Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest - What’s Your Hobby



┑( ̄▽ ̄)┍
7 Years
Apr 12, 2015
Montgomery, TX
Winners Announced Here!


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Welcome to the Official BYC Mini-Contest
What's Your Hobby?

This is a RANDOM Winner Contest...

We want to know what you love! Whether you're lucky enough to have a hobby that pays the bills, or it's something you enjoy doing in your free time, tell us all about it! What are your creative and artistic pursuits? Do you collect something special? Did you need to buy an external hard drive to store all of the pictures you take? Share with us what hobbies you enjoy most!

It's easy to enter, just reply to this thread with up to 3 of your hobbies and you will be entered for a chance to win 1 of 5 (that's right, FIVE) BYC 2021 Calendars!

The rules:
  1. All entries must be submitted as replies to this thread.
  2. Three hobby entries per member, PLEASE NUMBER YOUR ENTRIES!
  3. One hobby per post, please.
  4. Please add a short description with your IMAGES IN YOUR POSTS, examples....
    What is it that you love about this hobby?
    When do you do the Hobby?
    What sacrifices do you make to be able to practice your hobby?
    Are you an amateur? An adept? An expert?
    Are you lucky enough that this hobby is part of your job/income?
    These are just examples of how to create your post, you don´t have to talk about all of them and you can add other things you want, those are just a few guidelines in case you don’t know how to make your post!
  5. ALL pictures MUST be uploaded to BYC and not hosted on other image sites, personal websites, etc.
  6. Open to all BYC members.
  7. All BYC rules apply: Terms of Service (Rules)
  8. Entries will be accepted until December 14th at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.

So enter up to three HOBBIES for a chance to win 1 of 5 (that's right, FIVE) 2021 BYC Calendars!
Note: We will use a random number generator to select our winners for this Contest.

There will be 5 winners and each will receive a copy of the beautiful BYC 2021 Calendar!
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Last year's What is Your Hobby? contest winners below.
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Check out the rest of the contests here:
Official BYC Mini-Contest Series - Win one of Fifty (50) BYC 2021 Calendars!

If you would like to purchase a beautiful BYC 2021 Calendar, see this thread: 2021 Calendars are here! Free US Shipping!
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#1 I love crocheting blankets for new babies in the family or for friends and family members. This was a Christmas gift for a friend who is a dog lover:

View attachment 2419075
Wait a second..... do you free hand that lettering out or do you follow a chart or what do you doooo?! So awesome!
#3 I love antiques and repurposing antique objects that are no longer together as it’s original piece (I never have the heart to repurpose objects that are still all together... I love the history of the objects). I made a potting bench for my porch (I still need to find the perfect old wood for bottom shelves). The tall back cabinet is from the lady I bought my house from, it was the top of a secretary desk that no longer had the desk part and the sink is from my grandma’s husband’s cabin.


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