Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest - When Will BYC Hit 23 Million Messages?

Wow.... guess that's what happens when you spend your time arguing over chicken breeds. :bun
Well that sounds productive.
Sure is. Considering you’re the one I’ve been arguing with, I’m sure you know just how productive it is. :plbb
i was not! :tongue
You’re right. You had a bit of help from other Orp lovers.
If you want to participate in unproductive, nonsensical threads, that is your business. Keep it in those threads and do not carry it over into serious threads.
If you want to participate in unproductive, nonsensical threads, that is your business. Keep it in those threads and do not carry it over into serious threads.
Don't worry, I had no plans to continue this conversation. Everything that could have been said has already been said. I'll be on my way now. Thanks for the tag Kiki, this was cool to see. My apologies.
How is your chicken doing? The one you had to get towels for?
She’s pretty good I think but just about to go check her again. I actually had 3 of them in haha originally I just had one, she was depressed so brought a friend in, the one left outside became depressed too, so brought her in and that’s how all 3 ended up in the house :lau :th they had other birds but those 3 are the only 3 originals left so quite bonded hahah

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