Official BYC Poll - New Year New You...Resolution Time!

Pick one or pick a few, it's all up to YOU! Be sure to elaborate down below.

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It's almost a new year and guess what that means?
Time to change something!

What can you change to make a better you?

First selected an option in the poll above then tell me more about why you chose that option.

Anything is possible...ask me what my resolution was last year.

I want details. 🤓
None of the above.
I'd like to......maybe not 'get in shape' because I think that most would consider me in shape already, and I'm comfortable with my weight, but I'd like to work out more and get stronger. I"d also like to finally be able to do the splits. If I want to make the dance team next year I should be able to do them.
I'm making a fight fat thread January 1st.
We will fight fat together this year...everyone will win.
Fabulous, I am in! I desperately need support!! :barnie
You need a puppy. Everyone needs a puppy. :)
Oh I know, right?! We are still recovering from Lollies passing, but a puppy is in the works!

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