Official BYC Poll - New Year New You...Resolution Time!

Pick one or pick a few, it's all up to YOU! Be sure to elaborate down below.

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I'm going to fix something. But, really refurbish. We have a 500 SF room in the garage that used to be for the shop, but the shop has been moved to the pole barn. I want that room turned into a bonus room where at a minimum I can move my office out of my living room! This has been on our list for 5 years, but ... chickens. This year is our year!!! :ya
I have a few feathered dogs I could do without if any one needs one.

So a wee bit O'back story for starters...

About 26-28 years ago I changed from new years resolutions to dream it, plan it, goal setting, done.....
Life happened....
I may be "playing along in this thread" but, I am refocusing my efforts at the goal setting, planning & putting into action stuff.... Update will occur.

/End of line.

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