Official BYC Poll: The Worst Predator

The worst predator?

  • Raccoon

    Votes: 698 25.2%
  • Opossum

    Votes: 65 2.3%
  • Weasel

    Votes: 135 4.9%
  • Mink

    Votes: 70 2.5%
  • Mountain Lion

    Votes: 16 0.6%
  • Bear

    Votes: 47 1.7%
  • Coyote

    Votes: 145 5.2%
  • Fox

    Votes: 321 11.6%
  • Eagle

    Votes: 17 0.6%
  • Hawk

    Votes: 474 17.1%
  • Owl

    Votes: 42 1.5%
  • Dog

    Votes: 414 14.9%
  • Snake

    Votes: 33 1.2%
  • Man

    Votes: 105 3.8%
  • Bobcat

    Votes: 58 2.1%
  • Skunk

    Votes: 26 0.9%
  • Rats

    Votes: 56 2.0%
  • Cats

    Votes: 52 1.9%

  • Total voters
The worst predator to chickens hands down are humans!!!!! LOL!!! How many chickens do we consumer per day, I don't know the number but I'm sure it's more than all the other predators combined X100????
Hello everyone first post, but have learned more here in last couple months than i couldve in years of raising chickens. Anyway its a toss up for me hatched some chicks back in elementary school and brought em home but dog broke into coop and killed all but one. Fast forward 20 some years and now its my sisters darn husky, and a fox who im waiting for redemption on as i type.
I would think the answer would depend on which predators plague your area the most.

Within predator radius of my home, I have seen raccoons, snakes, hawks, owls, rats, coyotes, and mountain lions. While my neighbor claims she has lost chickens to hawks, I, personally, would be more concerned about the coyotes and mountain lion as they are also known to enjoy bigger prey than chickens, such as family pets and humans.

I'm chicky sitting, and my neighbors pen and coop is so NON-predator proof as to not even be bothered trying. They can all fly and fly out of the fenced in area whenever they want to, which is thankfully less and less as they like what I'm feeding them. Far as I can tell their wings are their best protection.
Bobcats, coyotes (if they fly out of the run and I cannot find them in the dark), and raccoons! The big guard/herd dog I have keeps the bobcats and coons out, but the coyotes always find a way in, and are always looking for a little chicken dinner.
Oh and a little known fact is that ground squirrels love to eat baby chicks!! I had a bunch of chicks that I hatched and lovingly brooded over for weeks and weeks. When they were finally ready to put out, I put them in a wired in area under my coop with a ramp that led up into the chicken house. I could not believe it, but I kept losing these tiny birds...I was beside myself trying to figure out what could have gotten in and grabbed them..believe it or not, I finally found a feather at the entrance to a nearby ground squirrel hole. I checked with a local wild life specialist, and he confirmed that ground squirrels will seek out, kill and eat baby chicks! I got a hose and a couple of jack russells and we took care of that problem real quick!
Heat and disease are the causes of my chicken casualties. I've had no problems with animals killing my birds, but neighborhood cats and birds of prey pose a threat.
My cats hang out in the yard with my chickens, and know not to go too close or they will get pecked.
My cat is about 9 yrs old and couldn't care less about the chickens. I go out at 5:30 every morning to let my chickens free range for an hour or two. Winnie (the cat) gets so frustrated because she is coming in from her night time wanderings and wants some love from me, but the chickens chase her off! LOL

Neither the heat nor a critter have gotten one of mine, yet. Thankfully!!! We are surrounded by foxes, coyotes, and coons so I'm sure my day is coming.
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