Official BYC Poll - Which aspect of keeping chickens do you enjoy the most?

Which aspect of keeping chickens do you enjoy the most?

  • Their companionship

    Votes: 244 71.8%
  • The fresh eggs

    Votes: 180 52.9%
  • Breeding/working with rare breeds

    Votes: 35 10.3%
  • Showing/exhibition

    Votes: 12 3.5%
  • Hatching eggs

    Votes: 62 18.2%
  • Other (please reply to the thread and specify)

    Votes: 31 9.1%

  • Total voters
I love just having them about.. they are very relaxing..

I often take time to sit in the garden and watch them roaming about and doing their chicken stuff. They still fascinate me after over 6 years. They always do something surprising, just when I think I know all about them.

Watching them takes my mind off any problems I have.. and give me a relaxing break... even inside the house I can hear them crowing or clucking about. Its kind of company if I am alone... I know something is wrong if they go quite.. or start making a fuss.... like when a dog gets into the garden.. of someone strange comes to the house.

I also love letting them hatch out their eggs.. watching the chicks grow.. and play... and seeing what colours and patterns they turn out to be.

Its a real pleasure to keep chickens... and the eggs to eat are a bonus too!
I like my chickens for their calming effect, mostly. I go outside and sit and watch them. It calms me down. I also like to eat and hatch their eggs. Its a hobby for me to enjoy.
I enjoy watching the antics of my flock of feathered friends. They can always put a smile on my face! Plus there is the bonus of fresh eggs every day, you can't beat that! :p
I got chickens to be self sustaining: eggs and meat. Now I am just fascinated by them. I love their colors and the different eggs they lay. People ask me if I count noses when they come to roost. I tell them I don't have to. I can tell each chicken by sight. They all have different personalities too.
But Most of all, I enjoy watching and listening to them interact. They have a complex society governed by many different sounds.
For me they are therapy and an education.
Love my clucks!!!

I found I cannot kill them. The extra roosters are given to friends.
Love watching them free range, I find it therapeutic... Love the fresh eggs...
I had no intentions of having a rooster or ever hatching but we were given a rooster so we have had 3 hatches now, that has been a pleasant surprise that we love doing...
Just wish roosters didn't turn into such jerks! Ha... They are such pretty birds...
I chose other because there are multiple reasons. 1st of all, the EGGS! I wanted healthy, wholesome food for my family knowing where it came from and that there were no dangerous chemicals used in their production. Also because I saw a documentary on battery hens and the horrible life they live. My fuzzy butts provide us quality food and I provide them a quality lifestyle. Then there is the fact that I also wanted to start gardening for the same reasons as my first one, but our yard is clay and sand and grows nothing but a few weeds so we started mulching leaves,using wood chips and composting. The chickens help add amazing nutrients to the soil while getting rid of weeds and bugs for me! It's a win/win/win. It wasn't until after beginning to raise them that I realized what a joy it was because they have their own funny, quirky personalities and we enjoy watching "chicken tv". We have one barred rock hen that will fly up into your arms because she loves to be held and cuddled. Added bonus is that my neighbors and extended family love to be gifted fresh, organic eggs and veggies from my backyard!
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I have never named the chickens. They run if I attempt to catch them. (I like that because I feel they are less apt to fall to a predator) But, what I enjoy most is when I am able to induce them to do something I want them to do. Simple examples: hopping up on a roost to eat treats out of a container; or, going in the pen door when they are out. Otherwise, they are pretty wild, so I appreciate any indication they will actually do what is wanted.
I have loved chicken since childhood, when I raised my first hatchling (a beautiful game rooster). Sitting in the coop with them and observing their behavior is more entertaining than television. They all have such distinct personalities and characteristics. They all respond to gentle care and kindness, and I have yet to raise a mean one. I know roosters can be aggressive, but fortunately for me all of mine to this point have been sweet. It is heartwarming when one of them jumps in your lap and snuggles in for a nap. You know that they trust you implicitly. They are so observant and curious, and so much more intelligent than they are credited with being. They all recognize the red bag the meal worms are in and start squaking and jumping when I come into the coop with it. The eggs are a lovely benefit, but I would keep them regardless.
I love the various vocals as they "talk" to each other. This soothing conversation calms my jangled nerves and makes me feel very happy.

Of course, the eggs are delicious.

Lately I have one pullet who will either fly up onto my shoulder or sit on my lap. This is taking some adjustment on my part. Most of my hens will gather around and stay close to me but they won't hop up onto my lap unless I am offering bits of cheese. (They will walk through fire for a bit of cheese!)

Let's face it.... CHICKENS are wonderful.

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