Official BYC Poll - Which aspect of keeping chickens do you enjoy the most?

Which aspect of keeping chickens do you enjoy the most?

  • Their companionship

    Votes: 244 71.8%
  • The fresh eggs

    Votes: 180 52.9%
  • Breeding/working with rare breeds

    Votes: 35 10.3%
  • Showing/exhibition

    Votes: 12 3.5%
  • Hatching eggs

    Votes: 62 18.2%
  • Other (please reply to the thread and specify)

    Votes: 31 9.1%

  • Total voters
At 7 weeks, my chickens are getting SO much more varied in their vocal arrangements!! ;)
I swear one Pullet purrs/coos anytime I walk near hear and keeps it up when I hold her. It's so sweet--and I'm not really a cat person, so I never really "got" that fascination!

Their "discussions" and "antics" in their pasture crack me up--my 9-year-old middle son and myself are particularly entertained and have had hour long conversations sitting on buckets in the yard about their behavior. We just get such a kick out of them :)
I originally got them because I wanted fresh, healthy eggs. I quickly discovered that I loved just sitting and watching them, or going in and petting my favorites. Even my husband, who was adamantly against "dirty stinky chickens" enjoyed "chicken tv". There are many reasons to love them and I could have clicked on most of the above, but I just love listening to their little clucks and watching them chase bugs! :D
I wanted to have chickens so my kids could experience the same joy I had doing it as a kid. It has been great for my kids and they enjoy it very much. There has be an unexpected result that I was not planning for. I am a Marine Combat Veteran and I deal with a lot of physical injuries that keep me from doing the things I used to. I also deal with a lot of issues with PTSD. Keeping my ever growing flock has bought a big sense of peace and calmness. The stress of the medical issues I have just fade away when I am working with the birds. They provide me with entertainment as well as challenges to over come. What they provide helps with selling eggs as well as babies they produce. This has become so much more than a experience for my kids. It has become the way I can heal and be normal.
I haven't got fresh eggs from Pancake yet but I would have to say companionship is huge, having a indoor pet chicken has brought my family closer. Even the dogs enjoy having her around as part of the family. I'd hate to see what they would do to a predator that thought she was a possible meal.
I wanted to have chickens so my kids could experience the same joy I had doing it as a kid. It has been great for my kids and they enjoy it very much. There has be an unexpected result that I was not planning for. I am a Marine Combat Veteran and I deal with a lot of physical injuries that keep me from doing the things I used to. I also deal with a lot of issues with PTSD. Keeping my ever growing flock has bought a big sense of peace and calmness. The stress of the medical issues I have just fade away when I am working with the birds. They provide me with entertainment as well as challenges to over come. What they provide helps with selling eggs as well as babies they produce. This has become so much more than a experience for my kids. It has become the way I can heal and be normal.

Chickens are great therapy! Thanks for your service!
Chickens are fascinating to watch. I could sit out there for hours. And sometimes do. Some are friendly and companionable. Some are in-your-face and some are timid. I love their different personalities. And their interactions. And keeping them healthy is rewarding too. So companionship first for me. Then eggs. Delicious and about as local as I can get! And their meat. So much better than factory birds. And hatching them. I don't know enough to breed and show yet. It has only been three years. But six chicks has become sixty five. And one coop is now three coops. And I just love keeping chickens!
I just love watching them, they are just so cooky and goofy. Especially when they are taking dust baths and running around with food in their mouths trying to get away from the other girls.
I had never been around chickens growing up, and my mom told me horror stories of spending the summers on her aunt and uncle's chicken farm when she was a kid, so I never really had an interest in chickens. and my boyfriend moved to Kauai...
I'm sure most people know about the crazy wild chickens everywhere there, but I didn't have a clue. So naturally when we got off the plane and I saw a rooster walking through the baggage claim area like no body's business, I was smitten.
They are literally everywhere you go on the island. I must have taken 200 pics of just chickens the first 2 weeks we were there. Laying on the beach with them walking across our blanket, (It's odd to see chickens dodging the waves rushing up on the shore LOL!), in the parking lot at Burger King, on the golf course, behind your car when you're trying to pull out of the parking space at the grocery store.
They are cross bred, crazy mixes, and the roosters are so big and beautiful. Brightly colored and speckled all over.
We had a huge open field out behind our place with coconut trees bordering it that they roosted in. Every morning we would go out to feed them, and they would come running, of course they all ended up with names. I was so sad to leave them when we moved back to the mainland 4 years later and I knew some day I would have to have some chickens of my own.
Well now I do, and it's even better because I raised these gals from baby chicks. They are so entertaining and smart, and they make me laugh every day. I love listening to them coo and cluck and communicate back and forth. I have learned a lot taking care of them.
So for me, companionship all the way. These gals are friends, not food for sure! The eggs are just a really nice bonus, and I make sure to thank them everyday!

It isn't the soup that's good for the's the chicken
It isn't the soup that's good for the's the chicken


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