Ended Official BYC Valentine Puns Contest Series - Wattle I Do Without You? Photo Contest

Entry #1

This is Papaya, my frizzled cochin bantam cockerel. He is 8 months old, and I got him when he was 1 day old from a breeder. He was raised by my broody Australorp, and they still have a really strong bond.
Papaya is is not the top rooster (he was just recently defeated by my EE cockerel) but he still does a great job with the girls. He particularly loves my other cochin bantam, Mango.
Papaya also really likes me. He always comes to me and wants to be picked up. Then I sit down with him and he tucks his head under my chin and clucks softly while I stroke is soft feathers.
He has never once shown any aggression towards me or anyone else, so he truly is a fantastic little rooster. I love him so much!

View attachment 2508997
May I know the breeder I have been trying to buy these but haven't found any breeders!!!!
Entry #2

This is my cochin bantam pullet, Mango. She is 8 months old, and just laid her very first egg! She is an absolute sweetheart. She gets along with all of my other chickens, and she loves to cuddle with any person who is willing to sit with her long enough.
Even though she is 8 months old, she still sometimes goes, "Peep, peep" like a little chick. It's the cutest thing!
Mango is also very chill. No matter what you do with her, she goes along with it without a complaint.
Whenever she's out of the run for some supervised free ranging, she always walks around, very calm and slow, pecking at little things here and there. She is also very careful to not go near any mud so that her feathered feet stay nice and clean. But, if she get separated from the rest of the flock, she runs after them, her fluffy little bum waddling back and forth, and her tiny legs going as fast as they can (which is not very fast).
No matter what Mango does, you can't help but smile. She is such a sweet little girl!

View attachment 2511470
May I know where you got her I want one so bad willing to pay high price!!!
May I know where you got her I want one so bad willing to pay high price!!!
Entry #2:
Napoleon, just 6 months old and OBSESSED with this whole egg laying business. He spends his mornings clucking to the ladies from various nest boxes, standing on the roosts singing along with them as they prepare to lay and of course, offering his fertilization services. :rolleyes:
View attachment 2511534
What breed, and may I know where you got him I have been looking for them!!!!

Karma is no longer with us, but she was a great hen while she was. She was purchased from craigslist, one of my first ever chickens. She was loud and ornery and had a somewhat smaller comb than the rest. (The flock were black australorps.) She was always more of a character than the other birds.

(oop, entry #1)
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