Official Definition(s) of Chicken Math

My chicken math

150 chicks but they dont count-They are in brooders in the barn-they arent chickens yet
6 lavender orps-but 2 dont count-they are roos and one is only 4 months
4 bantam lavender cochins-they dont count- they are small and only 3 months
1 coro roo and 13 split 3 week olds-dont count- too small

I guess I can count the splash blue laced, black marans, splash marans, and the light brahmas-gives me a total of 22.....
How bout if you just count who's laying right now!!!!
Sooo...I'd have 1-4 chickens depending on the day!!!

In reality I have about 50 plus!!!
So for me, chicken math is:
I wanted 3 chickens for laying, but I could only find 2 pullets. Okay fine, but then to add chickens, I can't add just 1 chicken, I have to add 2 so the new one(s) not outnumbered. Then of course, to get 2 to actually add to the flock, I have to get 3 chicks to make it more likely I'll end up with 2 pullets. Except 2 of the 3 were roos, so I have to get another one and try to get rid of the roos... Somehow, I ended up with 7 chickens. When I really only wanted 3. And now I realized I want a couple of Welsummers and blue eggers for color, and so that means 9 - at least!
Chicken Math is the BEST!!

In February, I bought 4 chicks. One died in September, so I had to get a replacement.

So we picked up a new chick, and a friend...because you can't have a lonely chick.

Then a week later, we had to pick up another chick, because it was getting picked on at the feed store by the other larger chicks, we felt sorry for it, and hey, what's one more! Now we'd have equal flocks, large, and small!

But then we signed up for 4H, and now we need show chickens, and of course we can't use the chickens we already have, because they are pets, and they are large fowl, and bantams that will show much better, you know, "smaller chickens for smaller hands".... So we get a pair of OEGB chicks.

But... the pair of bantams we get turn out to be two roos, so I HAVE to get them some hens, because two roos won't be happy without them......

So now I'm on the hunt for two OEGB hens, which I'm sure will yield me at least 4 hens, because I won't be able to decide, they are all so CUTE!!

However,.... due to BYC, the hatching bug has gotten me. I'm glad that chicks don't count.
- Eggs in the incubator don't count.
- Chicks don't count until I know their genders and who I'm keeping and who I'm rehoming.
- Chickens who don't have names yet don't count.
- Chickens living in the house or garage don't count.
- Chickens that I might rehome don't count.
- Chickens that are not one of my "usual" breeds don't count, especially if they're rescues or were given to me by friends.
- The bachelor roosters don't count.
- The smaller the bantam, the less it counts.

That leaves me with...ummm...just a couple of chickens! Great, I have plenty of room for more!

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