Official Poultryland thread (See first page)

New graphics..... I suck at graphic designing, although one of my friends is a photoshop and computer imaging whiz. I wonder if she'd be willing to help us!
What exactly did you have in mind?

I'd also like to make it harder to get SPs, otherwise the game'll be too easy and people will get bored.

It would depend on what we could do. I'm sure there'd be people on BYC who could help design graphics if we needed them--it could be a contest! Your friend would be a great help too. If we were unable to do that, I think it was horseland used to have this way of doing its virtual horses by having an image community where you could select a picture to be your *horse*. It would eliminate the color genetics, though, which was what made PL awesome, in my opinion.

Maybe we could halve the scale, or somesuch. I liked getting a big wad of SP's (once a year?). It really helped. Especially at the beginning.

I do Graphic design! I'd do anything to see a new PL.. I have multiple places where you could see my graphics work, if you guys would like me to do that. If i could get a Minor Payment ($.50 a lineart after its off the ground and paying its way in the world?) to cover pen Nibs (Wacom Tablet) that would help a ton I could probably even Pitch in a little bit this fall money wise, after i get paid for all my other stuff. I could even design a layout or Advertisment for it after july 17th.
It would depend on what we could do. I'm sure there'd be people on BYC who could help design graphics if we needed them--it could be a contest! Your friend would be a great help too. If we were unable to do that, I think it was horseland used to have this way of doing its virtual horses by having an image community where you could select a picture to be your *horse*. It would eliminate the color genetics, though, which was what made PL awesome, in my opinion.

Maybe we could halve the scale, or somesuch. I liked getting a big wad of SP's (once a year?). It really helped. Especially at the beginning.

I do Graphic design! I'd do anything to see a new PL.. I have multiple places where you could see my graphics work, if you guys would like me to do that. If i could get a Minor Payment ($.50 a lineart after its off the ground and paying its way in the world?) to cover pen Nibs (Wacom Tablet) that would help a ton I could probably even Pitch in a little bit this fall money wise, after i get paid for all my other stuff. I could even design a layout or Advertisment for it after july 17th.

That sounds great to me! I'm not sure how we'd pay you... or if we'd even make any money from this new PL.

I sure would love to see it back up though. My mother's studying computer science, maybe I could get her to code something, although she's always thought a person of my age playing Poultryland is totally insane.

We could always get advertising on the PL site. That would help with some of the costs....
I do Graphic design! I'd do anything to see a new PL.. I have multiple places where you could see my graphics work, if you guys would like me to do that. If i could get a Minor Payment ($.50 a lineart after its off the ground and paying its way in the world?) to cover pen Nibs (Wacom Tablet) that would help a ton I could probably even Pitch in a little bit this fall money wise, after i get paid for all my other stuff. I could even design a layout or Advertisment for it after july 17th.

That sounds great to me! I'm not sure how we'd pay you... or if we'd even make any money from this new PL.

I sure would love to see it back up though. My mother's studying computer science, maybe I could get her to code something, although she's always thought a person of my age playing Poultryland is totally insane.

We could always get advertising on the PL site. That would help with some of the costs....

True xD If I use the lines for my normal Adoptables as well, i could let the new PL have useage for free though
(Which sounds better to me personally
) Advertising would probably help a bit. If you guys can come up with ideas on how you want everything to look, i can get to work ASAP
*Warning long, possibly confusing, post ahead!*

Ive been thinking about the Possible "New PL" and here's some stuff we need to work on if we're able to make this happen.
Layout colors & Design:
I im thinking an orangish Brown for the main color, maybe C27E3A would be nice. And Blues (99C7FF perhaps?) and greens (6CA870?) as the main accents, then maybe a touch of tan (FFCC66?)? What do you guys think? should we do a Blue or green background and Brown Accents? Less Blue or green? Lighter colors? completely different colors? (see this HTML Color Chart for the colors i was thinking of - Ill upload my "Rough Draft" of the basic layout (First page after you log in) With the colors i have on here. (

Other layout and game related stuff:
1.Do we want a Chatroom?
2.Do we want to do Upgrades (so we can afford the server space)?
3.Do we still want a "Shop" (light bulbs and chick feed (We could add more too..)
4.Do we want a similar layout to what Russ designed? Or completely new?

New Ideas:
1. A "New Birds" Option (Like the New Eggs)
2. Hens "For breeding lease"
3. A new layout for the Sell area - "For Sale" is in one place "For breeding" in another and "Wanted" In another.
For sale will have a link to the New eggs/new birds, and one for "Player owned" Birds.
4. Better more accessible User Profiles for Basics & Users
5. "Profile pictures"
6. Real genetics & colors? (Plus some "Fun" colors like Neon green) It would make the game more interesting i think. If sparkles is still around, im sure she could figure the poultry genetics out for us
(I know genetics, but not poultry genetics xD)

And here's a biggy.
Should we change the name? to avoid all Copyright issues? I wouldn't want to run into any issues down the line.

Before we can even get started with any programming and all that fun stuff, we need to decide these things. Should we vote on all of them?

Has anyone gotten in touch with russ about using some of his pre-made stuff?

Sorry if sounds like im talking over xD Im not trying to and I don't want to in any way, im too busy for that, and im planning on doing most of the graphics designing as it is (Seriously.. what am i doing?! I have How much stuff i already have to do??! xD Ahh well
) I just want to know all this so i can get an idea on what to draw... lol.

Changing PL's name would be a biggy, you're right. Maybe Russ would be willing to hand over the rights...

Ill only be the "Leader" if no one else will, and everyone else will pitch in a lot. We should decide who's handling what...
We'd have to get a hold of him first.. and as of now, I don't think he's replying to emails. If he won't hand over the rights, we have to change the name and some other major game play features.

I uploaded a rough draft of the layout - The colors are Not what i had wanted at all

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