OfWolvesAndHen's Introduction!


Apr 15, 2021

My name is Daniel and I am pretty new to the hobby of keeping chickens. In fact, I don't even own any! Some members of my family raise chickens and were so kind as to gift me some hatching eggs this past weekend. Though I've never kept chickens, I am no stranger to the general process of hatching and rearing---I breed, hatch and raise both betta fish and Mexican walking fish. While I plan on keeping my own chickens someday, for now I am only rearing and will sell the chicks to local keepers. It's a shame that I have to let them go---the chicks are blue splash ameraucanas, which I think are just gorgeous. But I don't have the space for anything beyond a brooder, and I want what's best for the little ones! :D

Some of my hobbies include art, guitar, horseback riding, fishing, and costuming. I currently own a cat, two betta fish, and four Mexican walking fish along with an American green tree frog. Though I keep primarily fish and amphibians, I love animals of all sorts and am currently attending university in pursuit of a zookeeping job.

I found BYC in my research on incubating and hatching chicks and thought joining might be beneficial should I need some help or advice along the way! I generally enjoy chickens, as well, so I don't doubt I'll enjoy this community. :)
Your is likely the most intriguing intro I'll read today! I am also a lifetime animal lover and grew up with tropical fish aquariums. Many years later, when I was married, we bred convict fish to supply a local pet store.

I admire your plan to become a zookeeper. I think getting to care for a wide range of animals -- especially since zoos today are more about species conservation than letting people stare at caged animals -- would be a wonderful way to spend a life.

It's good to meet you, Daniel. Welcome to BYC, and best wishes for your future!

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