Oh I look/sound like her...she is my sister..

I think the funniest thing with the twins was when a friend's daughter (who was about 4 at the time and had no trouble telling them apart) came running to me telling me that the OTHER pete needed me. She could tell them apart, but couldn't remember Repete's name.

I have always found it interesting that kids have a far easier time telling the twins apart than adults do.
My sister and I sound so much alike on the phone that our mom always thought were were pranking her.

"Yes it is TOO me!!!"
When I was a brand new mother with my oldest son I would go everywhere with my best friend and her daughter. People would constantly ask us if they were twins. Since they were only a few months apart you wouldn't normally think this was so weird, they were about the same size. Except, my son was a very blond white kid and her daughter a very dark black.

Oh, and when people ask me about my own kids being twins, I just tell them that they're the same model, just different years.
I could pass as my oldest sisters twin... if we are not together and I go to her motherinlaws house her mother in law things im my sister... the only difference is now my sister wieghs more than me and she is 3 inches shorter than me

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