Oh Im So Furious!


9 Years
Feb 21, 2010
I'm So mad .Just went up to the upper coop to feed and water.I had 8 Millie Fluer's in one side.Something got in there and ate 5 of them.Hubby was up there ysterday eve and everyone was fine.I have 2 hen's and one roo left.I dunno how anything got in there!.I don't see no point of entry.The only thing is one small window pane out but it is at least 7 feet from ground with nothing to climb up there on.There is a pile oh poo in the run from what ever got in there.It's not small dropping's.It's dark color like dog poo. I don't have a clue!I am so heartbroken over them.I was so excited when i got the chicks and I had 5 hen's and 3 roo's.They were SOOO pretty.I am going to set the live trap in there tonight and sadly put the remain's of one of them in for bait.I hope I catch whatever it is.gonna have my gun ready at daylight for it too.We have 17 layer's on the other end hoping to get rid of this beast before it get's in them somehow.We have rock and brick and concrete blocks covering even small holes around the run.I brought the 3 down and got them in a pen close to house coop so hopefully they will be safe in there.
I'm so sorry to hear this.
Glad you removed the other 3. If you're not absolutely certain they're safe where you put them (you said "hopefully") bring them inside or some other definitively safe place since, as surmise, the pred will be back and aims to get them.
If you can, get Rescue Remedy and put a couple of drops in the drinking water of those still alive. It may help ease the stress of the horror they witnessed.
it kina sounds like a family of coon coon can go through a 4-6" hole fairly easily if you have more then one trap ( maybe borrow one) it is easier to catch 3-4 in one night this keeps them from getting trap shy good luck
Well got the trap cleaned up and baited and set .It will be dark here soon.We put the trap inside the coop and left the door open For the thing.And
hubby re-checked run.There is a Small hole pushed in underneath the wire in one little spot I can barely fit my hand through it but guess it is enough for something to get in.Because We found a couple wing's and feather's around that area.I am going to continue to trap for a few week's nightly while We get some quick crete and put around the whole run and put some boards around wire from the inside as well.Gosh We thought it was pretty secure.At least my 3 survivors are safe.Nothing can get in my other coops as they dont have run's.Will updtate tomm. if I catch anything.Wish me luck.

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