Oh no! Bad smelling eggs?!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 12, 2012
I have just received some shipped eggs from a well known auction site. I went to set them tonight and my wife dropped two of them. When they broke the contents were a mustard colour and the smell was like a stink bomb. We have now got all the windows open to try to clear the smell! These eggs were sold as fresh, fertile Rhode Island Reds. We know the fertility can change when they go through the post, but these eggs were not fresh! What is your guess of how old they are?
It would depend on how warm they got, warmth accelerates the rotting process they could of got a hairline crack in them and then were sitting for a couple of days and then in the mail for another 3 especialy if they got warm, that would make them stink. So I wouldn't necessarily say they were old. Contact the seller and let them know.
I would second what mnferalkitty said. After a few trials I have found that I can't buy shipped eggs during the summer here, because most of them end up rotten.

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