Oh no! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!

We have hamsters and from what I understand, life expectancy is about 2 years.
Awwwwwwwww, I'm so sorry about your little guy getting hurt.
I feel bad about his little gerbil too. I would say though, she has lived a long and happy life. 3/12 years is old for gerbils, as well as hamsters, rats, etc. Your little one of course, can't understand that. Here are some hugs, to help
Well that little gerbil is still hanging on. She isn't doing anything but sleeping and breathing really fast, but she's alive. I told my son when he got home today that I suspect she may be on her last legs and he needs to spend as much time with her as he can. Maybe I'm completely wrong and she'll live another 6 months, who knows, but I think it's better for him to be prepared for what might be coming rather than just finding her dead. He'll be 12 in February, so it isn't like he doesn't understand death... unfortunately we've lost several dogs recently.
I'm sorry.
My sister had a broke collarbone when we were kids, it must've hurt like heck! I have had lots of tiny pet funerals but the DD's first pet hammie, "Maxwell" was the saddest. Even I cried.
I'm sorry about your son. DH broke his collarbone when he was about the same age and that's some painful stuff.

His gerbil is really old. Maybe a talk about phasing out the old and bringing in the new, then go get a baby? But holy cow, that's a really old gerbil.

Healing thoughts for all involved.
He's not a little boy---- he's a youngman!

My PawPaw used to say a child has so many tears to shed, blood to bled and dirt to eat before he grows up.

It's ashme but it is part of growing up.
Brownie is still hanging on. She does nothing at all except sleep, but she's still alive. DS says when she is awake she keeps her eyes closed. Poor little geriatric thing.
DS's collarbone must be healing because he is only asking for pain meds 2x a day now, when he gets up and before he goes to bed... and he has gone from taking his prescription Hydrocodone to OTC Ibuprofen.
I am so sorry about little Brownie.
We have lost two hamsters recently and it hurts.
I made sure my kids knew from day 1 what short lives they have but it didn't make their passing any easier. Hope your son is feeling much better soon.

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