OH NO!!!! what should i do?????? please help!


12 Years
Jun 18, 2008
i just found out that one of the eggs in the incu has a small crack in it, should i through it out or try to save the chick? a chick is growing inside and i would prefer not to kill it but if i put it back in the bator and it explodes that wont be good...
what should i do?
could the crack hurt the chick in the long run? should i moniter the egg everyday to make sure it isnt about to explode??
i think they say the unscented/plain wax is best....as for still exploding..i dont know..sorry...
...what day are you on again?
I used regular non smelly wax to seal mine and it grew for a long time but never did make it. Although it did pip. I know of people who did hatch them out and they did fine. If they are growing and moving it will not explode. Candle it every week to make sure you see movement. If you don't see any movement then I would throw it out just to be safe.

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