Ohiki Chicken Thread

Thank you so much for the info Chuck and for the invite to pick your brain! I will definitely be over there studying like I should have when I was in high school all them years ago! By the way, love all the pics you guys have posted! You all have truly beautiful birds!
Thanks guys for the compliments on the artwork. I really appreciate it and would be glad to make a painting for anyone anytime..
Actually it would greatly benefit a breed if it was only in the hands of a select few deicated breeders. That keeps from everyone trying to mass produce them and their quality going down the chute, very much like how BLR Wyandottes, BC Marans, probably Seramas, and probably the way all these Lav Orps and Coronation and Light Sussex are going to go, everyone trys to mass produce them and sell them and dont breed for quality, just the general color or trait the birds is known for and end up losing it too.

Any I would say those few longtail breeders are NOT in it for the money by any means. Most of them, especially Toni Marie, would rather give birds to someone they know will breed them right than sell them to a random person who doesnt know how to keep the breed. Like last year Toni Marie gave me my two Red Pyle Phoenix roosters and some phoenix eggs for just the cost of shipping after I had talked to her several times before on the phone and via email and exspressed my interest in the the longtail breeds and the respect for the way she breeds them. So people like her are in it for the love of their birds, Not the money.

I understand her dedication and hard work rareroo, but I don't think I got the same respect for being a novice.had the info I got from Celtic hill just been given to me I would have realized it was a demanding breed to keep.I mean no disrespect to anyone,I admire the hard work everyone is doing.just don't judge everyone asking about your project as unfit or unworthy .

It is not that someone is being judged as unfit or unworthy it is that we all that are working with the Ohiki are trying to protect the breed from people that do not care about what they have. Ohiki are a very rare breed as everyone knows so if we do not care for them the way we do they will be mixed with all other birds and lose the Ohiki for ever. The thing is if we see that someone is truly in it for the long hall and is looking to help care for the breed the way they need it we will try to get that person some Ohiki. There has been times that someone will get birds and just let them run in the yard and something will kill them and they come back asking for more of them! THAT IS WHY WE DO NOT LET THE BREED GO TO JUST ANYONE!

Well, if its not just anyone then who? I am not trying to be sarcastic.honestly I asked politely about the birds and was honest that I knew I would never be a "breeder"and I know you are afraid of impurities,but have you ever heard of that thing called life? Things do happen beyond your control.good or bad. I consider myself a good stuard of my birds.my are behind electric fences, but if the power went out because some drunk hit a power pole and the neighbors pitbull got loose and got through that fence then that means I don't care? I looked at your website and you have beautiful birds but and I really do wish you well with them, but if they become intangable to people I afraid its gonna be a few of you sitting around by yourself watching your chickens by yourself. Let me repeat I do not mean to offend you but what gets across on the message you relay is look but go away..........

It is truly sad that they're is someone trying to make money off of the breed. All of the work put into the breed and someone just don't care and trying to make money off of them. The Ohiki is a breed that should not be bred for money!
Sometimes people will sell anything, including their soul..............................................................chrisf

On a better note, I have 6 more pipped tonight. looking forward to them. I'll be hatching all of mine.
As a new breeder/ care giver to these, I feel I need to personally work with all of them I can before the thought of letting ANY go comes into play, and then I'd have to know the person well
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That's good Aubrey! That is the best way to work. You are the only one in the little over four years that I have worked with the breed to let any nice birds go to. All of the ones that I have past to someone I did as mixed breeds and not Ohiki. I am happy that you are doing so good Aubrey I can not wait to see what all you get.

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