Ohiki Chicken Thread

How cold does it get in NC? Just wondering :)

Sweet Grain? Kinda like what you could feed a goat? Just wondering cause we have some grain (Sweet... you can SMELL its sweetnes! LOL) for the goats, and yes it has oats and pellets, ill see if it has corn in it, and the other ingredients but that could work for my soon-to-be-getting ohikis, that or just water them with some hot cocoa, thats makes everyone feel better, dont it?

(Thank you SO much Toni!!
Parents said yes, now its a matter of brainwashing my dad into building a pen
How big do you think?)

It gets around 32 in the winter but has gotten a little colder than that. I have seen it get down in the 20's some (that's cold for me! lol).

Yes, that sounds right for the sweet feed. I know mine has some corn in it as most any feed lines uses corn as a feeler. When I get a fresh bag you can pick some up in you hand and it will stick to your hand a little (my birds love it when its like that).
I was just checking out my Project ohiki, my chick from this year who's father is full ohiki and mother is half ohiki is looking nice, round cushion, white earlobes, and a little more tweaking, gotta get rid of the little top knot (comes from the mother's side) that should go away in the next generation and we will be close to ohiki type! My Fibro project is going better then I thought, I have two chicks that are ohiki/silkie the oldest chick is looking good! Only a top knot, clean legged and beardless, the younger already has feathering on his leg so he's going to get culled. I have what looks like a Millie and then a mottled as well from another hatch, can't wait to see how they grow out! My birds have been laying like crazy! I just wish I had the space to put more chicks, I may do another set in the fall, gotta get rid of some from this spring first, I dont wanna over crowd and only wanna keep the best.
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It gets around 32 in the winter but has gotten a little colder than that. I have seen it get down in the 20's some (that's cold for me! lol).

Yes, that sounds right for the sweet feed. I know mine has some corn in it as most any feed lines uses corn as a feeler. When I get a fresh bag you can pick some up in you hand and it will stick to your hand a little (my birds love it when its like that).
Lol ! No no, i was just wondering
My friend lives there anywho.. But I will say I love temp. 40's and 50's w/o a breeze cause its JUST right

All i know is mine has oats and pellets, and yes, mixed with or without goat saliva, it sticks, very much so.
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I also feed 1/3 ration of All Stock with pellets, oats, and molasses. I feed it year round though. My mix is 1/3 layer crumble, 1/3 All Stock, 1/3 crimped oats, and then I also add about 5lbs fish pellets and 10lbs black oil sunflower seeds. total mix is 165 lbs at a time.
When it gets cold/cool here I mix in a little sweet allstock also for extra fat for winter...Dec-Feb...Only. The rest is my other blend with out corn. Although many Ohiki do fine on it now...TM
When it gets cold/cool here I mix in a little sweet allstock also for extra fat for winter...Dec-Feb...Only. The rest is my other blend with out corn. Although many Ohiki do fine on it now...TM

Oh yay your on! For a second at least

How big does the ohiki pen need to be?(Like how big are yours or what do you think?) My dad's wondering to see how big to make it app.

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