OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Buckeye Dave - I love your web site about your Buckeyes. I just purchased 24 Buckeye eggs and have them in the incubator and hope to have some decent birds hatch out to use for a breeding program. Between your information and Laura Haggerty's knowledge I hope to be able to utilize that knowledge do a good job raising my own Buckeyes! I like the Buckeye and New Hampshire chickens and need to build some more coops. I currently free-range all my other chickens and really like the fact that the Buckeyes are good foragers too. After this winter did a number on my NH roos combs I am really looking forward to the cold-hardy Buckeyes!
Lyddz, My golden comets came from Tractor supply last year. They were some my Daughter-in-law bought and were all pullets. Some of them made it into my flock and she still has some but she butchered most of them. TSC will soon have chicks in store in many locations. When they do ask them for Golden comets. You can buy as few as you want from them as there is no set number they will sell you. They are a hybrid, so that makes it easy to just get pullets. Many of the breeds you buy at TSC you have no way of knowing what gender you will end up with, but with the GCs you get what you want. That is, of course, if you have a TSC that orders those in and you get there in time to beat the rush. They are very popular around here with people who don't want roosters and only want a few hens for eggs. DIL wanted hers mostly for butchering, because she got them fairly cheap. They make better layers than meat birds, IMO. They also do very good free ranging, but she lost a few to predators, mostly hawks and also the four she lost to her FIL, (me).
I hope your buckeyes hatch out!!! I guarantee they will quickly become your favorite breed!!

Laura is a great resource for tons of buckeye info, she and I just spoke on the telephone yesterday. I like her laugh, it makes me smile.
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Hey we have a tractor supply right next to Walmart! Thanks, I'll probably be getting a couple chicks from there then, just to try them out!

Hi Lyddz- just wanted to chime in here - Yes the Delawares are prone sadly to some frostbite - but i have to tell you that mine have laid stron and consistent and always have and all thru the winter - with a bit of supplemental light. Just a thought - hand raised they are known to be one of the friendliest out there -
@Inheart Thanks, good to know!

Ok, I still have to run it by my parents, but this is what I want. Either 3 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Barred Plymouth Rocks, 3 Delawares and 3 Speckled Sussexs (es?) or 12 Buckeyes. I found a site that has a minimum of 3, can you tell?
I hope your buckeyes hatch out!!! I guarantee they will quickly become your favorite breed!!

Laura is a great resource for tons of buckeye info, she and I just spoke on the telephone yesterday. I like her laugh, it makes me smile.

Hi BuckeyeDave,
So glad I saw these posts and to find a breeder of one of our favorite birds, who's not too far away. We had two Buckeye hens from Meyer Hatchery, (I really like Meyer--they've been great to work with!) but after losing one hen a few weeks ago, poor Patty is the only Buckeye we have. (If you're interested, here's the sad story...https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=450406)
As much as we have enjoyed the two hatchery Buckeyes we have/had, I've wondered how much nicer/different Buckeyes from someone who breeds them specifically to improve/promote the breed would be? Now, I'm really tempted to find out! Is it possible to pick up chicks rather than ship? Besides my dd showing at the local 4-H level all we want are friendly, pretty egg layers and it sure sounds like you fit the bill!
Just had two ameraucanas hatch today! Looks like one is blue and one is black.....I should have some bantam black or lavenders to hatch tonight.....
Columbus Here!!! Lol im located just outside of clintonville!!!! Anyone close? Im looking to add some variety to my flock of 5! (hubbie is building me a new coop)
I hope your buckeyes hatch out!!! I guarantee they will quickly become your favorite breed!!

Laura is a great resource for tons of buckeye info, she and I just spoke on the telephone yesterday. I like her laugh, it makes me smile.

Hi BuckeyeDave,
So glad I saw these posts and to find a breeder of one of our favorite birds, who's not too far away. We had two Buckeye hens from Meyer Hatchery, (I really like Meyer--they've been great to work with!) but after losing one hen a few weeks ago, poor Patty is the only Buckeye we have. (If you're interested, here's the sad story...https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=450406)
As much as we have enjoyed the two hatchery Buckeyes we have/had, I've wondered how much nicer/different Buckeyes from someone who breeds them specifically to improve/promote the breed would be? Now, I'm really tempted to find out! Is it possible to pick up chicks rather than ship? Besides my dd showing at the local 4-H level all we want are friendly, pretty egg layers and it sure sounds like you fit the bill!

Buckeyes are an outstanding breed with EVERY attribute I want in a back yard bird, friendly, good foragers, cold hardy, very low maintenance, etc., I feed our flock all kinds of table scraps, mice caught in traps, cat food, dog food, horse food, BOSS, everything, they love it all.

DelcoChix, it is sad to lose a bird, especially if it give you one lonely bird left, it makes me sad to know that there is a lonely single buckeye out there. My production flock has survived this nasty Ohio winter very well. I always keep a couple of extra stud males on the flock just in case a couple die through the winter. I have a show ready super stud one year old male I would like to give you for your sweet buckeye hen. My only question is how do I get him to you.

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