OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Thank you for all your help! You've have done so much for us the last few days. So grateful for you, just wanted to let you know

To give a update on our Black Astrop she is sitting in the corner still just watching the others. Two days on the tylan fodays. It doesn't seem like it is helping too much. We made her a scrambled egg, cheese and grape tomato today. We had to force her to eat! I got a tiny bit down then she would take one bit. I have grains sitting next to her, and made some roman noddles without the flavor and sat by her. When we walked away she and checked on her a little later she did eat the egg but left the tomato! So thinking tomorrow we will will make another for her. I am clueless to what else could be the problem.
you are welcome.

have you tried worming yet? and did you use ACV in her water? why im asking, with the tylan you have covered most internal infections, the ACV is a stomach/intestinal bacterial flush. your putting vitamins and electrolytes in the water, covers vitamin deficiency/dehydration. if you haven't given any dairy lately, now is a good time. some yogurt is great after any antibiotics its probiotics are great for chicken's digestion. I remember you saying your new to this, have you checked her crawl to make sure its not impacted?
i cant seem to find how to do it, but there's a way to look up breeders that are NPIP approved. when they test your birds they do a listing of breeds. i'll keep looking but this may take a day or so.
Hi All. I'm in NW Ohio and have a pair of 2 1/2 month old Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks. Or just the rooster, whichever you prefer. $20 for the pair or $8 for the rooster only. Eggs came from Sunnyside Up Microfarm in Ohio. I won't ship, but I will drive a decent distance to find them a home. PM me if interested.
I must say I am very proud of my daughters. One of our pullets died yest and they took it upon themselves to bury it. They dug the hole put it in and covered it. They had a "mass" afterwards and sang songs. I believe that it had just gotten too cold from the temp drop and it was playing outside in the rain.
I must say I am very proud of my daughters. One of our pullets died yest and they took it upon themselves to bury it. They dug the hole put it in and covered it. They had a "mass" afterwards and sang songs. I believe that it had just gotten too cold from the temp drop and it was playing outside in the rain.

Sorry to hear you lost one. That's quite good of them to do that. How old was the pullet?

Lolling for chickens!

I would like started pullets.... But might consider chicks instead! I just want to grow my flock. :)

I am in Garrettsville, Ohio, in Portage county.

I am interested in brown egg layers or EE!

Thank you!

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