OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Just read something on Craigslist that listed the dates for this years Southern Ohio Poultry Association swap days, but instead of being at the Scioto County Fairgrounds near Lucasville as usual, it said they are moving it to the Ross County Fairgrounds near Chillicothe. Anybody know anything about this ?
im going to vaccinate for all illnesses that i can.

we had lyrangotracheitis break out on our farm, it came from a vaccinated show bird i had picked up for a breeder.  2 weeks ago i culled or threw away nearly $7,000 of my breeding stock. that is why i quit advertising the chickens for sale, the ones by the shed, and the ones outside were the only ones that weren't exposed.  the disease does not transfer through the egg (unless hatched by mother), so i am going to hatch all the chicks on the new property and cull what is on this property - saving as many of the breeds (and quality) that i can.  once a chicken gets this, it cannot be cured and will always be a carrier; mortality is about 30-50%.  according to OSU most of Ohio's flocks have had this, but since i am in business of selling chickens, i cannot *knowingly* sell something that may harm another flock.

edited for typo

Wow Brian....so sorry to hear!
I understand perfectly. We haven't vaccinated our new birds. But just fyi, (knock on wood) we had the outbreak in 2007, and since then, our flock has been healthy. The last bird that we had that was involved with that oubreak died last year (of other causes). He was a chick when we got the virus. WE vaccinated him and everyone else, and never had another problem with it. Over the years our birds that were there during that outbreak, (that survived the outbreak) died from other causes. I know they are supposed to be lifelong carriers...but just saying...WE didn't have more problems with it. To date, anyway. And we were told that the dead vaccine would not make the healthy birds carriers. That seemed to be the case. Chickens do develop a natural immunity to many things. I guess though if I were breeding to sell, I would cull the exposed birds and disinfect, as you did, as you really wouldn't want the liability risk. Ours is just a pet flock for the most part.
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ILT is a terrible, terrible thing, and the birds suffer unfortunately. We did learn a lot about it from the State of Ohio Ag Dept vets, they were very kind and helped us a lot. And so did Peter Brown, the Chicken Doctor.
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Wow, I didn't realize how long I'd been away from the thread. Over a week! That's forever for me lol.
Soo many new folks! Wow! Welcome, all!! Nobody especially near me, the closest at a couple hours away, but still nice to see fellow OH BYCers!

Hope everyone is making it through this second cold spell! I've left just one red lamp on in my big coop at night and everyone's made it through fine so far, even the silkies, showgirl, and micro frizzle serama! My BR gal has been laying me an egg consistently everyday despite the darkness in the coop and cold, and a few days ago I was surprised to find not one but two identical brown (more pink really) eggs in "her spot" (she opts to lay in a cat crate vs the actual nest boxes). So unless she's been popping out two a day for the last few days, which is highly unlikely lol, I have someone else newly laying! The eggs are small but not bantam-sized, which narrows it down to either the GLW who isn't even squatting yet, or one of the bantams lays huge eggs (showgirl, brahmas, Cochin, D'anver, Japanese.. my brahma girls have been squatting for a couple weeks so perhaps..). Who would have imaged during our pre-addiction, grocery-store-egg days that it would be SO DARN EXCITING when one of our own lays her first eggs?
I'm also getting 3 eggs a day lately from my 3 coturnix quail gals. (PM coming at you, Stevens!) And I've tested fertility to be at 100% so far. All of the eggs I set, sadly, quit or died after hatching. A fault of my incubator, I'm sure. I've had rotten 0% hatching luck lately.

@loveourbirds Brian, yikes! I'm so sorry about your birds! I know how hard it would have been to cull your babies. Hope everything works out and you can get a fresh start with the move. Out of curiosity, is this dead vaccine something I should look into?

Just read something on Craigslist that listed the dates for this years Southern Ohio Poultry Association swap days, but instead of being at the Scioto County Fairgrounds near Lucasville as usual, it said they are moving it to the Ross County Fairgrounds near Chillicothe.  Anybody know anything about this ?  

What! Swap Days not at the fairgrounds? That's what keeps little ol' Lucasville on the maps! lol. I hadn't heard anything about this. I wouldn't mind a short drive north, but do hope that was a troll trying to stir something up.
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Brian, yikes! I'm so sorry about your birds! I know how hard it would have been to cull your babies. Hope everything works out and you can get a fresh start with the move. Out of curiosity, is this dead vaccine something I should look into?
honestly i think everyone should vaccinate their birds. from my research the dead vaccine seems to be the way to go- the problems with it is you have to use it all at once. some people claim the dead vaccine doesn't work as well, but you wont have carriers. the live vaccine that most people use will cause your birds to become carriers.

the symptoms of it will vary, some birds will die showing no symptoms (at a quick glance). some birds will have swelling around their eyes and wattles, some will have bloody mucus under wing feathers, some will just have the mucus in their throat and some rattling when they breathe. they typically will lose weight, im guessing because of trouble swallowing. antibiotics wont do much good once you get it, once it hits you will just have to suffer the loss until it runs its course. once a chicken has it (contracted from another chicken) they will be immune, but they will be carriers of the disease. it seems to affect all birds about the same, i had weaker chickens get it and live - i had big healthy chickens get it and die.

from my experience with it, once a chicken starts throwing its head around violently trying to clear mucus it probably wont make it and should be culled. also if they get to where they cant stand fully they usually wont make it. if you bring sick chickens inside, this may dry the mucus in their throat making it harder to expel. i did put a heat lamp to warm them but not make them hot, this seems to work the best.

according to OSU about 4 out of 5 Ohio flocks over 2 years old have had it.
Just read something on Craigslist that listed the dates for this years Southern Ohio Poultry Association swap days, but instead of being at the Scioto County Fairgrounds near Lucasville as usual, it said they are moving it to the Ross County Fairgrounds near Chillicothe. Anybody know anything about this ?
i have heard this too, but not from a reliable source. my wife read it on facebook.
What! Swap Days not at the fairgrounds? That's what keeps little ol' Lucasville on the maps! lol. I hadn't heard anything about this. I wouldn't mind a short drive north, but do hope that was a troll trying to stir something up.

I'm wondering if the Scioto County fairgrounds or fair board was squeezing the club for a bigger cut of the take. The craigslist posting said the 2014 swaps were scheduled to be held at Chillicothe. Might be they are using the move as leverage to back off the fair board. Hard to believe they would mess up such a well established swap without serious reasons.
That was supposedly the downfall of the old Troy swaps, a fall out with the fair board. It is now back, and under new management, but has yet to recapture it's former size and attendance from what I've seen.
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