Ohio National- Wanted/Bringing

Anyone want to meet up and mentor some newbies in call ducks?
I can meet up with you tell you what I know and send you the experts haha! The one that's been doing it for many many years! I know your basic info that you need to start out
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OK, I've gone and got myself into a pickle.
I am suppos to be bringing some BLRW roo's to sell at the national.
But I can't find any info on the sale coops at their website.
Can anyone help me out?
Anyone want to swap eggs? I get a couple of Serama eggs every day, as well as Cochin eggs. I have a pair of blacks that seem to be making mottled babies, it's crazy! I'd trade them for some black Silkie eggs or other Serama eggs.
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Our agreement with the Ohio Department of Agriculture is that no birds will be at our show, for sale or exhibition, by persons that are not exhibitors. We know who the exhibitors are and have some traceability should a problem (reportable disease) arise.

We have a working relationship with the Ohio Department of Agriculture, The Ohio Expositions Commission, the Ohio Fair Managers Association and The Ohio Poultry Association (industry) representing NPIP. You will also notice the advantageous harmony we have in working together with them; we have seven poultry club shows and more than 90 fairs with poultry exhibits in Ohio.

Non industrial poultry has not fared so well in other states because of continued adversarial relationships.

There are few, if any, sale coops still availabe. With 5,800 birds on display we are scraping for cages I assure you.

If anyone near Columbus wants to come to the fairgrounds on Saturday and rub elbows with the people who put on the show we would love to see you. Guys bring your gloves. Ladies and youngsters - lots for you to do as well. We have lunch and tell them at the gate that you are there to set-up the poultry show. It is a lot of work but everyone who has ever participated in set-up will tell you they enjoy the time with freinds.

Well there are three of us that have had some stressful moments since 1975 but we just laugh about that now.

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