Ohio National-Who's going?

You can arrange ahead of time, if somebody wants to purchase one of your chickens, and then just keep it in your truck, and meet your buyer/seller in the parking lot. Lots of people do that.

Happens a lot!! Am picking up that way!!

Do you still raise bantam orpingtons?
I'm going again this year. I can bring silver laced wyandotte roo's, a black 50/50 EE/Black Australorp roo (beautiful muff and tail), and one sub-adult Black phase (melanistic) Bronze turkey tom.
I will be looking for a Gold Laced Brahma Cockrel/Roo...does anyone know of anyone bringing any? We lost our cockrel to a bacterial infection 3 months ago and my pullets are laying!

. Dr. Keith Bramwell will be at the Ohio National this weekend recruiting students for the University of Arkansas's Dale Bumpers College of Agriculture, Food and Life Sciences and specifically the poultry science department. The Center of Excellence for Poultry Science includes a complex of teaching, research and extension facilities at the Arkansas Agricultural Research and Extension Center and the John W. Tyson Poultry Science Building on University of Arkansas campus. The department provides the curriculum for B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degree programs. As many of you know, two of our own exhibition poultry Juniors Exhibitors are now studying poultry science at the University of Arkansas; Emily Lhamon and Michael Schlumbohm. Stop by and see him and look forward to a career in Poultry!

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