Ohmygod no...missing duck. :(


9 Years
Mar 23, 2010
I am freaking out right now and really need some support/help/advice. I went out and checked on the ducks an hour and a half ago, as we're having a wicked snow storm (at least 4" down already) and was relieved to see them all in their night house, just hanging out. Went back out to lock up a bit before sundown, and there's only three instead of four!

I can't find Izzy anywhere, and I am coming unglued. Spent the last 45 min scouring the property in this blizzard and I don't see a trace of her. Can't get the car out of the driveway, so I can't drive around and look, I've already tried. No feathers, no tracks of ANY kind, and no duck. There are a few places I suppose she could be hiding out, although I have NEVER had a duck wander off alone, or hide from me. We have few predators here, and have never had an issue in the 2 years I've had ducks. And there's fresh white snow, so wouldn't there be SOME sign of something?

I need some first hand experiences and hope.

Have any of you had missing ducks only to find them? Should I wait and hope, or what else can I do??
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In one of the chicken forums, someone lost a chicken for several days or a week and they found out that she was hiding in the coop the whole time. I hope you find Izzy. If there's no sign of anything coming and going from the coop, that's where to start, unless there's no tracks because of the snow. Was it snowing hard?
It is snowing pretty hard, but I can't imagine it could have completely covered the tracks already. And it was pristine. Then again, ducks don't make huge tracks, so...

I looked all through the pen and no duck. Unless she somehow managed to get back BEHIND the coop where I can't see.
Hi! I hope your weather clears soon and you find her safe and sound.
One of my Muscovy girls was missing the other morning (no idea how she got out of the pen), stayed missing that day and all night and I found her in the lilypond the next morning.
Fingers crossed!

Good to know there's hope. Even if not much.

I just got back in from searching again, I'm soaking wet, cold, and incredibly sad. I hope she shows up.
If you can't see, can you hear behind the coop? Any way to get all of your ducks out of the coop to a very temporary spot and listen? When my ducks are alone, they call out, trying to find their buddies. Good luck, I hope by the time you are back on the computer, reading, you found Izzy!

Do you suppose it's at all possible she wandered a bit, and then hunkered down in the bushes or something? Sometimes mine scare the heck out of me by getting into the bushes, and then falling asleep or just liking it right where they are and keeping me worried for 5 minutes where I freak out an call for them. Then, when they're ready to come in their OWN terms, darn it, they'll come and finally show themselves. I know you say that isn't like them, but if there is a good amount of snow falling, she may have had a lapse in judgement and gone and found a hiding spot.

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