Ohmygod no...missing duck. :(

I'm not sure what your pen is like, but you may want to consider something you can lock. I got a cheap ($150) large dog run off of Craig's List last year. I see them for sale all the time, usually in pretty good shape, and they could be paddlocked. Just a though.
Keeping you, and Izzy in our prayers. Just remember, it wasn't you fault that she went missing. Hope she turns up!
Let's all send our prayers for Izzy's safe return...I saw a picture of her for the first time on here about a week ago and fell in love with her. It has saddened me to read this post re: her being missing....I hate ppl. not having manners and not being respectful of others property...GOD KNOWS I HOPE YOU FIND HER....
..I am
just thinking about it.
Yes we put posters up around the neighborhood and I filed a report with the police, just in case.

We're still crossing our fingers, and I have been putting food out at night, just in case she comes home.
All my other ducks are still great, which is weird. I always heard if it was a predator, they would come back. Granted I have been taking precautions, but nothing has bothered them. She's just...vanished.

If it wasn't for this forum, I would be an even bigger wreck. I can't tell you how much everyone's support has meant to me. I knew it would be hard to lose one of my ducks, but this has been heart breaking.


They were not penned at the time. I let them free range all day, and only lock them in at night. They were in their pen, just hanging out when I checked on them an hour or so before she disappeared. I know she was there, because they all came to the door to say hello when I came out.

No let up in this darn weather, we're looking at ANOTHER large amount of snow tonight/tomorrow. It makes it really hard to go walking around the property when there's snow drifts 3 ft deep. :|
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I think we're all praying for Izzy to come home, Hope you can get some rest, have you been keeping the others in a more secure area since this could have been a duck napping? We're here for you..
Have you thought about contacting the media or anything? They might just think she was taken by a predator, but maybe they will do a story on her, anyway. I've seen them do that before, especially when it was something strange.
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I don't really have a "more secure" area for them. Not without building something. But I have been leaving my Saint Bernard mix out a lot lately to kind of take care of everyone, and I am hyper vigilant, and check them all through the day. We've moved their pen right up against the house temporarily, though. That way they're closer to me.

Not sure if the media around here would be real interested, but I did plan on contacting our city about placing in an article, ad thing in our neighborhood flyer about it. I'm hoping that will help get the word out.

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