Oily rooster-why?


In the Brooder
Jun 29, 2015
West Tn
This big guy is my standard size flock keeper. When we got him, he had black tar poured down his cone and the back of his head was bald, and don't even get me started on how shaggy his feathers were. He was also a bright orangey-red color. Once his feathers started coming back in, he's started turning dark burgundy. I think he's really pretty, but . . . He looks oily all the time now. Is this normal? I'm assuming he's some kind of production red or RIR mix. We love him and he's a awesome roo, I just don't know if him looking oily is normal.
I am guessing it is normal. If he is happy and healthy now a lot of chickens will have an oily, shimmering appearance. But if he is more extreme than just a little shiny there could be something wrong? Pictures would help.
You can't see it very well on the pictures, but the dark patches are oily looking in person.


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