OK...Cocci and medicated feed question...


12 Years
Jul 11, 2007
Tioga/Potter County
I apologize if this is a repeat posting...but I couldn't find an answer that I actually understood and want to be sure I am doing the right thing. Now, I have read in a post not to give Corid while feeding medicated feed. Ok, so I am not sure that my flock actually has it, but I seen some bloody poo and decided to buy some 9.6% Corid while getting thier feed today. Now, I didn't see alot and all are acting fine and eating fine, they are almost 10 weeks and I will be switching them to grower feed in the next day or so, as soon as feeder is empty. So, do I treat or not...that is the question. I don't want it to get out of hand, but don't really know if they actually have Cocci. Here I am asking for any input on what I should do....Thanks in advance!!! P/S. if I do need to treat am I right in giving them 1-2 tbls per gallon of water for 5 days...i found that in older post. Once again...Thanks!!!
If they are eating, moving, and acting fine... you probably aren't seeing blood in their poos, but intestinal sloughing, or something they ate. Blood will be the last thing you will see if the birds get a bad case of cocci. You'll have lethargic, puffy, hunched up, skinny birds who are loosing weight, and splats that looked like someone had a bloody nose everywhere.
As to your dosage, not tablespoons, teaspoons. You can give Corid while they are still eating the medicated feed if you are only doing it for 5 days to treat an outbreak of cocci. Some folks use non-medicated and dose with a lower concentration of Corid as a preventative-in that case, you would not want to feed the medicated feed all the while you're also using Corid, if you get what I mean. It would be either/or, not both, as a preventative. For five days, it's fine.

The intestinal lining can look a little pink but not necessarily bloody like coccidiosis, like silkiechicken said.
Okkeeedookee....sounds like I don't need to worry for now then, am I correct?? They def all act fine, well as fine as can be, been pretty warm here and all, but....I think I should prolly wait.....Geeeze....I am such a worry wart....I will just keep an close eye on the poo
and see, I have been seeing an increased amount of black runny stinkie
poo along with the couple of bloody looking ones, but as they are all acting fine and not puffed or anything, maybe I should just keep my Corid in the cabinet for later!!! Thanks everyone and if anyone feels differently
, please feel free to chime in!!!!
If you think you are seeing blood in the droppings and they are routinely smelly, I'd go ahead and treat them with the corid. Cocci has a peculiar smell to it that is quite unpleasant as opposed to cecal droppings (which are also smelly and somewhat runny, but not bloody or black). Dosing them for 5 days, 2 tsp. of corid per gallon might be a very smart precaution. Since corid only treats one type of cocci, make sure it actually clears up the bloody droppings. If not, switch to liquid sulmet, given at the rate of 2 tablespoons per gallon for 2 days, then 1 tablespoon per gallon for an additional 4 days.

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