ok-heres "chuckie" the mystery crested duck! any guesses please


Poultry Snuggie
11 Years
Mar 16, 2009
onchiota NY


chuckie is 3 weeks old and huge! He/ she is quacking already-I just heard it-He/ she is in my tub-movingout tomorrow-what the heck is it? I was not supposed to get a duck egg in my hatching eggs I bought but I did-first time duck owner now-how do you get rid of that! anyhoo the seller told me it has to be a mallard-she had 1 breeding pair-but when I posted him at 2 days old no one thu=ought he was a mallard-what do you think? Are ducks supposed to quack so early? I hope its a girl so I can at least get yummy eggs out of all the food it trashes-LOL
Well if its pure-bred I'd guess a black swedish. However it could be a rouen mix. Mine came out looking like a blue swede and she had speckled feet too(her father was rouen and mother was pekin):

This is a picture of a young black swede i bought 2 or 3 months ago:

And a Crested Blue Swede:
When I saw it, I thought black swedish as well.
But ancona makes sense too.
Female ducks tend to be very vocal and they are louder as well.
She is very cute by the way!
My "dirty duck" that I posted the other day (see below) is a crested runner (blue and white).....for comparison.... thought you'd see that the markings might be deceiving....hmmmm.

I guess I didn't word my post properly....I wasn't suggesting the duck was a runner, I was trying to suggest not to rely on the color pattern to identify the breed. Sorry if there was any confusion. I had people not identify Patch, my dirty duck, as a runner because of his unusual pattern....guess it's too late for me to make any sense.
Hey no problem

It makes plenty of sense! I probably read it wrong cause i'm sleep deprived right now, it's almost 3 am here...lol.

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