OK...How do I customize my signature on my posts...???


7 Years
Sep 26, 2012
Alden, MI (Near Traverse City)
Alright, I don't know if this is appropriate here or somewhere else, but how the heck do you add a signature to your posts...the ones that list your animals, etc..

I have looked for the option/function/button and cannot find it...it's driving me a bit crazy.

Alright, I don't know if this is appropriate here or somewhere else, but how the heck do you add a signature to your posts...the ones that list your animals, etc..

I have looked for the option/function/button and cannot find it...it's driving me a bit crazy.


Hi DawnB, Click on My profile which should be visible at the top of the BYC page and scroll down to the part that says "My signature" and that's where you develop your signature profile. Hope this helps and have a blessed, happy day.
In your profile there should be a box labeled "forum signature." It is possible you don't have enough posts for it to show up yet. Honestly, I forget just how many you need, but I doubt it is many more than 20. Sometimes it takes a day or so for the system to catch up and allow this. If you don't see the box, just make a few more posts, then check back, maybe after the weekend.

I'll move this to the correct forum for you.
Thanks...either it was the number of posts thing or I never scrolled all the way down the main profile page. Kept figuring it was under the "Edit Profile" buttons...

Thanks again!

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