Ok I am getting an incubator, someone please stop me hehe


Brady Brook Poultry
9 Years
May 11, 2010
West Enfield,Maine
OK i just got into chickens in May, I have 13 br hens, 1 br rooster, 6 silkies(pet quality as i purchased through a hatchery) am looking for Show quality silkies, and have found some, soooooo i talked hubby into buying me an incubator, i am so excited yet scared at the same time, I will surely make a nuisance of myself asking all kinds of questions, but i have the chicken for dummies book and i have been searching all the threads here so i think i have alot of my bases covered...

Please someone stop me i am turning into the Crazy Chicken Lady hehe
Good luck on the hatch. I know how you feel. You start out with a few and keep growing and growing, and then you find yourself ordering 200 eggs off of ebay. Wish I knew when to stop too.
You are NOT the Lone Ranger in this, by any means!

I don't know WHY I bought an incubator, except that it was on sale, but how did I know that if I wasn't out there looking for 'em, hmmm? I did NOT want to turn into one of the folks who posts here about being anxious when incubated eggs begin to hatch. But as of today, I are one. (So to speak.)

I'm already 10 birds over my legal limit. Luckily, there isn't a whole lot of enforcement of the number of chickens per acre out here where I live. (But my land-lady who gave me permission to start keeping chickens does NOT know how many I actually have...)

And now I've taken the day off to wait for these 7 eggs in the incubator to hatch.
Just finished hatching 119 coturnix quail yesterday and I am already looking for more eggs to set. Everyone knows an empty incubator is NOT a happy incubator.
Hello, my name is Mahonri, and I am a hatchaholic.

Actually my bators have been clean and stored since the end of April.

I'm doing so good.


You may need a sponsor once you get started.
I live in the city. I'm allowed 20 chickens.

I have 50.

I have no more room!

I cleaned the bators. I put them in boxes and I stored them up on a high shelf in my storage shed.

I'm trying to sell some birds off before I get the bator out in December for my 2nd Annual New Years Day Hatch.
yep my parents call me the chicken lady lol. we are over the limit on how many chickens we can have too were only meant to have 10 hens no roosters well we got 13 hens and 2 roosters lol. Oh plus 6 fertile eggs under a broody silkie which are due to hatch on wednesday. I have another broody silkie sitting on 8 eggs which i gave her today. Plus a friend is bringing me down a incubator to use plus some fertile silkie eggs and bantam buff orpington eggs to test the incubator out. So yep i've got it real bad.

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