Ok, I need some help here folks

Thank you all so much for the info so far. I will keep studying all the info and jump in feet first before to long. Another good thing is that this is all I will be doing, so I will have plenty of time to work with them and figure out what does really work well for us.

If you have other thoughts or suggestions, please toss them my way.

Have a great day!
I like the Standard Turkens. Turkens definately catch everyones eye when they look in your pen and see the naked necks. Mine lay all winter and their meat is supposed to be very good also. (havent eaten any yet). Also supposed to be great setters but I havent had much luck in that area. I generally let my cochins do all the setting.
I was looking at some of those and the misses said no way. She was scared of the way they looked. I figure one day I will sneak a few into the coop, but for now, I think I will need to stick with something else.

I think right now, I am favoring RIR, but not for sure yet. Everytime I think I make up my mind, I change it again.

What's everyones thoughts on using RIR's for eggs and then throwing in a batch of standard white broilers that would finish out quicker for strictly meat production. Would there be anything wrong with that?
I don't have my chickens yet either, and I was like you - confused.

I picked out a set, then another set, then changed my mind, then changed it back.

I DO know I don't want all one breed or all one color.

I am beginning to think I want 2 or 3 of the more specialized 'pure' breeds.

Hadn't considered Brahmas until reading this post, so I may change my mind again.

I can't afford to feed all of my chickens from birth, so will get some point-of-lay pullets first.

Next Spring I want to hatch some eggs for myself and friends with my new incubator!
I am new to this and only have 3 chickens but would like to suggest the Plymouth barred rock. My hen consistently lays 6 eggs a week, is easy to take care of, gentle, and a cold hardy bird. I also have 2 golden laced Wyandottes (17 wks old) that are supposed to be similar in nature. Good luck!
Looks like you are in NC, so I would say steer away from heavy breeds and heavily feathered birds because they really suffer in the heat.
My Partridge Rocks seem to do pretty well.....
my EE's have been consistant layers, never missed a day since they started. And my RIR who is laying is already laying larger eggs and the EE who started first has 3 weeks on her. Look at the charts on different websites, I chose for temprement, ability to confine reasonably well and reliability of laying and able to tolerate the cold.

oh, and me too about my childhood, my grandfather had RIR and I love them. My rooster is great.
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I was looking at some of those and the misses said no way. She was scared of the way they looked. I figure one day I will sneak a few into the coop, but for now, I think I will need to stick with something else.

I think right now, I am favoring RIR, but not for sure yet. Everytime I think I make up my mind, I change it again.

What's everyones thoughts on using RIR's for eggs and then throwing in a batch of standard white broilers that would finish out quicker for strictly meat production. Would there be anything wrong with that?

i dont do meat birds but I think that sounds like a plan. many people dont like RIR because they can be agressive but Ive handled mine from chicks and although they wont let me pick them up they gather around me, follow me around and if I do catch one they dont seem to mind. And the large eggs are nice.

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