Ok now I am very cunfused!!


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
Ok, I posted on here the other day, because I thought my eggs were hatching 4 days early. Well, as it turns out, I only had one hatch on Sunday night/Monday morning (was in the bator when i woke up). Now today, not only have my eggs in the bator started hatching (3 already with 2 more pipped!!), but my young hens eggs are hatching as well. Hers weren't supposed to hatch til Thursday either... There were a few people that had said that bantam eggs only take 19 days...I think that is probably right, since all mine so far have hatched early, even with the hen!! Here are some pics of my new babies!!!


sorry my cam is not very good!!
Is there a question in there?

I'm pleased your eggs are hatching ... they look cute

Not so sure about the "bump" though.

If you are going to "bump" .... be cute about it (hide it in a comment or summink) or surely someone will er .... remark on it
I guess the question would be if anyone has an opinion on the bantam eggs hatching at 19 days instead of 21. Like I said mine have all hatched early so far! When I took these last out on day 17 one was already pipped. sorry about the bump.
I have had banty eggs mostly hatch on day 20 with pips on day 19. My eggs from Lisa (dipsy doodle doo) pipped on day 18 and hatched on day 19. I don't think I had any make it to day 21, and I've had at least 5 separate banty hatches. There's my limited experience

Bantam eggs appear to be a bit odd sometimes.

They SHOULD have the same incubation period as all other chickens ... ie 21 days.

In practise, many people have reported, as you do, that their eggs have hatched early, with no apparent ill effects.

For my own part, I think that the small size of bantam eggs makes them more sensitive to slightly high temperatures.

Just as chickens can hatch a day early, and be ok, it seems that banties can do the same, but do it 2 days early.

I would be tempted to be very careful about temps, and if any erring has to be done, do it on the side of just a fraction lower. Chicks can have serious issues if they hatch too soon, so if there is a choice, try not to let the avg. temp exceed 99.5 in the egg.

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