ok sooo.. when to put in the coop......?


12 Years
Jun 18, 2008
i have 2 buff orp. pullet chicks and they are about the size of my porcelain d'uccle bantams that are 6 months old. and my one and only cornish x rock chick who is way bigger than my pocelain d'uccle bantams. so when to put in with the older ones? "i have others in the flock with the bantams includeing, EEs, mutts, buff orps, RIRs, black sex link, and some barred rocks." so do you think it would be safe to just put the chicks in with the older chickens in over night and then put back in there cage befor it gets light out again? i wanted to start training them to go in the coop at night. thanks!
I think it's a risk. Most of my grown hens peck the chicks if they get a chance. I usually wait until they are big enough or fast enough to elude the adults.
I'd at least wait until the chicks are "feathered out".
they are feathered out and pretty fast except for my HUGE cornish x rock chick. i feal so bad for him. i didnt mean to get cornish x rock he was suppose to be a buff orp. with the others but sadly that didnt happen. the good news is that he will get to live as long as his body lets him.
How OLD are they ? I mixed mine when they were like 12 weeks old and they did fine . WHY not put their cage insde the run during the day for about a week or so , so they can all see each other and , then start lettign them out and mixing ... AGAIN , how old are they ?
I have 6 older gals and 2 youngins (11-12 weeks old I think) They are sleeping with the older ones in the coop, only quaranteed to their own "bed". During the day, they run with the girls only again, quarantined to an attached run. This way, they arent strangers! I plan on letting them play together this weekend with supervision. I am not worried about the Barred...as she is a mean little cuss, but I am not sure how the silkie will do. As soon as they are close in size, hopefully enough introductions will be done for a smooth transaction.
they are like 6 weeks old. and last night was the first night i let them all be together. they did GREAT! i usually let my baby chicks go in with the older ones aroun 6weeks old and i have never had a problem. but i just wasnt sure because of how tiny the were. and there cage has been insdie the coop for about 2 weeks now. i am just happy they all did good and no missing feathers or tramatised birds!

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