Ok, time to ask...DD, DH, DS, other D's? Huh?

It's all in the FAQs. (Frequently Asked Questions)

I had some trouble with it since this was my first forum. Now? I THINK in shorthand!

Hey! What's the first d in ddawn?
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I think in the case of DH it usually refers to Dummy Husband. Lot of man bashing on this forum. That's what men are for though. At least it shows we are in the minds if not the hearts of women everywhere.
Nothing. It's the first thing I tried the day I joined that wasn't already taken.

Dear Dawn. Hmmm... sounds like a great heading for an advice column.......

Dear Dawn: How do I stay out of trouble on BYC?

ddawn: Stop teasing busy moderators!

Dear Dawn: How hot is it in GA and could you please stop sending the storms eastward?

ddawn: Nope. And it's hot enough to fry an egg in the shell.

(I think I need to go do something, somewhere....)

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