ok to add eggs to bator 2nd day


13 Years
Mar 5, 2010
Is it ok to add more eggs to the incubator the next day after they are set? If so how many days can go by till you can't add anymore.
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yes it is but remember that they will hatch a day latter, so you need to make them well marked so you know which is which, you can do it up to 3 days tops, but you also need to remember also that you will stop turning all eggs at the same time so you don't need to have to 'bator open, it will not hurt to stop early, any dried chicks will need to be remove as soon as possible quickly, so the eggs that are left are not kick around to much,

When I set eggs and want to add some more, I will do it for the next day only. I mark them with +1 so I know they'll be in the hatcher an extra day.
I am hatching blue and black ameraucanas, blue and black copper marans, olive eggers, and a couple easter eggers
What a great choice of breeds. They will surely give you a nice colorful egg basket. Best wishes for your hatch.

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