OK to put One day old chick with two week old chicks?


In the Brooder
Dec 2, 2018
Unfortunately it looks look we’ll only have one baby chick that has made it through hatch. I didn’t want him/her to be alone so I was thinking of buying some 2 wk old chicks (3 of them) to put with ours. Would that be OK? Or not a good idea bc one will be so much younger? Sry, I’m new to this chick owning thing :) Thx!
When I first got my chicks I had several two week old chicks and only two little day old chicks. There was no pecking or bullying while they were growing up, but now that they are hens the 2 that started out young are indeed the bottom two on the pecking order. I think the risk of bullying is worth the reward of the chick not being alone. They say you should always have at least 3 chickens so they aren't alone. Just keep an eye on the little guy and make sure they continue to play nice.
The others have sufficiently answered and I am just going to Welcome you to BYC!

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