Ok, who has been laying these!?


Off to another pond
11 Years
Nov 4, 2008
for about the past week, I've been getting a mystery egg in the duck house, where the geese are laying

when you look at it, it has a slight blue tint to it, it's the same length as a pekin egg, but slightly fatter, though in the pics I took it looks white.

of my 7 girls I KNOW are laying, I know all thier eggs, at first I thought the runners, but they lay TINY cute little eggs

the only other girl I've got is Sage, my blue swed. but she is small, about the same size as my mallard hens. i don't think she could pass something this big

if the geese wern't laying in the house i'd almost be half tempted to leave them and see if anyone sets

any thoughts?
heres the mystery egg compared to my hand

and here, Maudes egg on the left, the other on the right

see the difference??
how good of broodies are blue sweds??, i heard really good, thats why i got a blue swedish, even at just over four months would she get the idea if i left her eggs alone for a while??,if she'd lay anywhere else but where the geese are nesting!, or could I foster a few eggs to my muscovy nest?, but then what would happen when her eggs hatched a whole week earlier than the muscovies?? O_O

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