Okay, now I'm not so sure of what breed to get...


9 Years
Feb 1, 2010
I live in hot and humid Houston, have a backyard situation and want to get three chickens. (Maybe four.) I have considered Isa Brown and most recently thought I had decided on Salmon Faverolles.

But then I read a thread that encouraged another poster to mix it up and that idea appeals to me, too.

I want chickens that are friendly and docile. Quiet, too. See, we're not supposed to have chickens and many of our neighbors are friends. I don't think they will complain, but I want the chickens to be appealing! I also want the children (mine and the neighbors') to learn about and enjoy the chickens.

I also want eggs! Any color will be fine. I'd like to get, maybe, a dozen or so a week.

Finally, I think it would be neat to have some of the threatened breeds.

So, I guess these are my priorities:

Docile, quiet
Good personality
Good layer
Not broody
threatened breed?

Thanks! I look forward to reading your recommendations.

I asked for the very same traits from the local breeder where I got my chicks. I let her pick a mix for me and I got:

Road Island Reds
Plymouth Barred Rocks (most aggressive of the bunch)
Buff Orpingtons
Easter Eggers (most friendly of the bunch)

I'm not sure if any of them are threatened breeds, but so far, they are all very friendly. They're only 3 weeks old, though, so time will tell!

Boulder, CO
I just put in my order for my first chicks all pullets:

Barred Rock
Black Australorp
Buff Orpington
Rhode Island Red
Silver Laced Wynadotte
and Delaware

All great layers and usually friendly depending always on how much you interact with them and bloodlines...
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Delawares are super friendly, mine don't seem to be too loud, and they are critical, I think. They are good layers, and I think they are beautiful -

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