Okay reminisce with me..favorite songs, tv shows, movies from the past


10 Years
Jun 6, 2009
S.E Ind
Somehow I am stuck in the past. All the new and current things do not amuse me as much as the oldies but goodies.
i just went on a spirit of watching all the old movie classics
gone with the wind
to kill a mocking bird
i am about to start all the god father movies..

there must be something in the air...lol

The Addams family
Hogan's Heros
WKRP in Cincinatti
Mary Tyler Moore Show
Beverly Hillbillies
Gilligan's Island

Old films

Some Like it Hot
12 Angry Men (the original)
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Miracle on 34th Street (the original)
The A Team - that's the first one that popped in my head

Dukes of Hazzard

Escape to Witch Mountain
Parent Trap
Sound of Music
Mary Poppins
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Okay lets see what I can do.......
The Walton's
Little House on the Prairie
Mork and Mindy
Happy Days
Mission Impossible
Loved the Dukes of Hazzard
Eddie's Father
Ohhhh what was the show with Buffy (the little girl) and I think there was a little boy on it to with Brian Keith maybe?
My 3 Son's
Of course Brady Bunch

The Jaw's series
Bells of St. Mary's/Going My Way
Little Women (the Original)
Pretty in Pink
St. Elmo's Fire
Sixteen Candles
Here I go again the one movie with Peter Fonda where he rides on a bike....
No Time for Seargants
Smokey and the Bandit (couldn't stand Burt Reynolds)
Parent Trap/Pollyanna (the originals)

I loved the Munsters also. The fact that the members of the family felt sorry for the pretty niece always made me laugh.
Gone With The Wind
Sound of Music
Steel Magnolias

Andy Griffeth is my all time favorite show in the world.
Golden Girls
I Love Lucy
Dick Van Dyke Show
Leave it to Beaver

Those are all I can think of at the moment. I am big into old movies and tv shows.
Oh I loved all of those too. What about the Mary Tyler Moore show???
Hogan's Heroes
Gomer Pyle

Does anyone remember the movie Xanadu???

Risky Business

Let's see songs....
Stairway to Heaven
Eye of the Tiger
Wild Thing

Wow I'm drawing a blank now.
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