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i have sure gotten to liking the modern bantams...

Me too , I had some LF moderns and really liked them but picked up some bantams a while back. They are the nicest birds ever.
Ill get some pics taken of them tomorrow...I would love to see some LF moderns, what colors do you have in them as well as the moderns?
I had red pyle and bb red but lost them all to fox, that was before the great fox hunt of 2010 where I eliminated 7 from the gene pool. Teach got them for me they were very nice birds, very sorry I lost them, it won't happen again.
thats too bad, I love red pyles....so far I havent lost any birds to predators since I stopped free ranging, but I have very sturdy pens and a bunch of dogs runnin around....and varmint knowledge from 20 years of coonhuntin....
I have asils hatching under their mama!
they have a smidgin of brazilian in them. Daddy is BBR, bout 8 lbs of solid flesh, & mama is blue/pumpkin.
i have half a dozen bantam shamos pippin as well


I would love to see some of your birds, we are really startin to like the game breeds...and same to ya, glad you got some babies comin
...I cant tell aseels from shamos or malays, at least not yet....what are some of the tell tale ways to tell them apart?
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I would love to see some of your birds, we are really startin to like the game breeds...and same to ya, glad you got some babies comin
...I cant tell aseels from shamos or malays, at least not yet....what are some of the tell tale ways to tell them apart?





I tossed in an extra one there.
Well I saw Teva off to work so it's probably time to head to bed. This morning we put the throttle body back on her truck after a good cleaning and it runs so much better.Spent too much time myself on top of the engine so my back is giving me fits. Gonna take some asprin tonight instead of the lortabs and see how that works.
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