*** OKIES in the BYC ***

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I generally keep "chicks" of all varieties separate from the rest of the flock until they are large enough that they can't go through the chicken wire. When it is warm enough, I keep them in a cage with hardware cloth 6 inches tall around the bottom, with the cage placed in the run with the other chickens. It is disheartening to see the chicks going in and out of the chicken wire since they aren't safe from predators/cats when they are outside the run.
It's a little giant still air incubator. An egg turner would be another $40

The Little Giant incubators don't have a very good reputation. They don't seem to hold heat well. I don't know why the Hovabators seem to work better, since both are made of foam, but there seems to be a difference. Also, the Little Giant turners have a poor reputation as they get older, when the plastic square egg cups don't want to stay attached to the turner. Just my thoughts.

Good to know
I was thinking it would be an easy donate but if it's not a good product then that would be silly
I generally keep "chicks" of all varieties separate from the rest of the flock until they are large enough that they can't go through the chicken wire. When it is warm enough, I keep them in a cage with hardware cloth 6 inches tall around the bottom, with the cage placed in the run with the other chickens. It is disheartening to see the chicks going in and out of the chicken wire since they aren't safe from predators/cats when they are outside the run.

I had bantams several years ago and they hatched their own clutch of eggs and the chicks escaped and we had to chase them through the woods. Fast little buggers for such tiny babies and hard to catch!!! That's why I thought I'd get some input for my new pens...
Thanks everyone! She is a fierce momma, that is why the eggs are still in there. She rolls them around & continues to sit on them but I don't think there is any chance of them hatching.......Any suggestions?
Almost forgot


You have found a wonderful group of folks who either live in Oklahoma or wish they lived in Oklahoma.

Disclaimer: Some of us are addicted to hatching eggs, attending poultry auctions and otherwise acquiring poultry. Since addicts tend to be enablers, we may try and enable you into owning more poultry than you ever thought you might want to raise.
So, what kind of ducks do you have and would you like to acquire additional varieties? Do you have any poultry other than ducks?

Also, although I feed egg layer crumbles to my ducks that aren't laying eggs - I sometimes up their protein level by feeding Purina game bird grower feed. You can also up the protein level by adding small pellets of alfalfa to the feed. Mine love corn, but I don't feed it to the exclusion of other feeds since it doesn't have enough protein.

I've got 6 ducks - 2 welsh harlequins, 1 pekin, 1 buff, 1 black swedish & 1 cayuga
and 7 chickens - buff orpington, rhode island red, speckled sussex, bared rock, partrich rock, new hampshire red, & a australorp

This is my first time doing this, but, I've got 10 acres & a quarter acre pond , so... there's room to grow hahaha
*DuckLuvR* :

Almost forgot


You have found a wonderful group of folks who either live in Oklahoma or wish they lived in Oklahoma.

Disclaimer: Some of us are addicted to hatching eggs, attending poultry auctions and otherwise acquiring poultry. Since addicts tend to be enablers, we may try and enable you into owning more poultry than you ever thought you might want to raise.
So, what kind of ducks do you have and would you like to acquire additional varieties? Do you have any poultry other than ducks?

Also, although I feed egg layer crumbles to my ducks that aren't laying eggs - I sometimes up their protein level by feeding Purina game bird grower feed. You can also up the protein level by adding small pellets of alfalfa to the feed. Mine love corn, but I don't feed it to the exclusion of other feeds since it doesn't have enough protein.

I've got 6 ducks - 2 welsh harlequins, 1 pekin, 1 buff, 1 black swedish & 1 cayuga
and 7 chickens - buff orpington, rhode island red, speckled sussex, bared rock, partrich rock, new hampshire red, & a australorp

This is my first time doing this, but, I've got 10 acres & a quarter acre pond , so... there's room to grow hahaha​

Morning Folks!
Thought I would pipe in and say hi.

I agree about the Little Giant vs Havobator. The two Havobators I have work great. What we could do is have 8 people donate $5 and get the bator for the fun raiser. I am good for $5.

Need some advice about donations. I have a bunch of stuff I have collected over the year for POOPS. Lots of odds and ends, decorative mainly. I also have a bunch of stuff (and I mean a bunch) to donate for the kids raffle. We are having a kids raffle right? With the stuff I brought should I group it up or what. I have some baskets to could put stuff in. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Well students will be here soon. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. It is Friday Eve!!! Yeah!!!
Oh real quick.
I had another millie fleur cochin chick hatch yesterday. I am pretty sure it is a rooster but it is so darn cute. Of course next weekend is the big hatch time. I have 11 ameraucanas hatching.
Need more brooder space.
I've got 6 ducks - 2 welsh harlequins, 1 pekin, 1 buff, 1 black swedish & 1 cayuga
and 7 chickens - buff orpington, rhode island red, speckled sussex, bared rock, partrich rock, new hampshire red, & a australorp

This is my first time doing this, but, I've got 10 acres & a quarter acre pond , so... there's room to grow hahaha


Oh well you have come to the right place. There are enough of us here who are more then willing to help you expand.
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