Okies Talking About Everything!

Well I dragged out the coveralls and heavy coats yesterday. Now I am going to winterize outside, hang a few tarps and get birds ready etc. Oh and I gotta wire in a heater and pound in a few T posts to enlarge the horse pasture.

just thinking about it all makes me tired, may take a nap first!!

You would come out right when I have to leave...chat at ya'll later on - have a wonderful day!

Les - thanks so much for the info on the call ducks - you confirmed that I don't need any. My pocketbook thanks you!

Aye on the nap!
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I have ducks and geese (er... goose) because I have a pond to put them in and because...

Well, that's about it. I can't think of another good reason for someone to own one. They shore do look purdy out there on that there pond, though.

I have no idea what a call duck is. If it is one that makes a lot of racket, then all mine must be.

Stimp, if there are any of those world famous White Rocks of yours at Blanchard I might just know of a buyer for them.

Apologies for my participation in the shenanigans on the other thread. I won't let it happen again.
I am back from the almost dead. Ran a 102.8 temp last night. It's down to 99.9 now. I feel better. Just praying my baby doesn't get it. As careful as I was, I know she has been exposed. I just hope that nursing her will help.
It took me forever to catch up on all that I missed. Too bad the other thread was locked.
I have had call ducks. They are cute, but noisy. I have muscovy ducks and they don't make near the noise. Plus they make good meat/egg ducks. Even though I don't eat their eggs or butcher. I just like looking at them. I still want some geese. Really just some Sebastopols and maybe some Pilgrims.
My birds are doing good despite the lack of attention while I was sick. The runs are wet, but they had nice dry boxes and coop to get in.

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