Old Busy Body needed something to complain about, and my roosters are it.

Let me just remind folks, this should be a total "Welcome to Oregon" post!
Mini-Micro: Your roo has alot going on around him to crow about too. LOL> Unfair for Poop Stirrer to single you out. I guess the one person with chickens is easier to gang up on than the 4-5 neighbors with dogs. It's just math this old coot has figured out. In the summer our town boons with old people coming back north. Most are a delight, but some are what I call "bored old ****ers" with nothing better to do than complain.

After one fourth of July Parade, an old guy walked into the middle of one of my DH volunteer fire department meetings and complained that they rang their sirens too loud and hurt his and his family's ears. He filed a complaint with the city and chamber of commerce that put on the parade. Our Chamber president wrote a letter to the editor in our local newspaper for all to read that said, "Our local heros, will be heard on the Fourth of July with sirens, bells or what have you. We thank them for risking their lives and celebrate them ."

Just another story about another ornery old guy. Too bad the neighbors are getting sucked up into his drama.
Why do people move in next to the airport and then complain about the noise?

Why do people move in next to a person who races sled dogs for a living and then complain about the barking?

Because they are selfish and think the world should cater to their every whim. Common sense would say that if you do not like dogs chickens or airplanes, then do not move into an area where they are present.

I live outside the city limits here and my neighbors all have horses, lamas, cows, sheep, and such but as far as I can tell, I am the only guy with chickens. So far no one has said anything about the rooster crowing at 4:45 every morning like clockwork except for my daughter who happens to have the chicken run outside her window. I consider myself lucky in that all those living around me are farmer types who accept animal noise as part of the territory.

I feel for you though. I have lived in areas with complainers for neighbors. What is really funny is when you turn the tables on them and file a complaint or two. Their song quickly changes once they are being the ones being complained about.

You could always borrow or buy a sound meter to check how loud the crowing is from your neighbors yard. Odds are it is not very loud and no where enough to warrant a noise complaint.
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Why do people move in next to the airport and then complain about the noise?

Why do people move in next to a person who races sled dogs for a living and then complain about the barking?

Because they are selfish and think the world should cater to their every whim. Common sense would say that if you do not like dogs chickens or airplanes, then do not move into an area where they are present.

I live outside the city limits here and my neighbors all have horses, lamas, cows, sheep, and such but as far as I can tell, I am the only guy with chickens. So far no one has said anything about the rooster crowing at 4:45 every morning like clockwork except for my daughter who happens to have the chicken run outside her window. I consider myself lucky in that all those living around me are farmer types who accept animal noise as part of the territory.

I feel for you though. I have lived in areas with complainers for neighbors. What is really funny is when you turn the tables on them and file a complaint or two. Their song quickly changes once they are being the ones being complained about.

You could always borrow or buy a sound meter to check how loud the crowing is from your neighbors yard. Odds are it is not very loud and no where enough to warrant a noise complaint.


I've always liked the sound of a rooster crowing in the morning.

I've always thought that if I lived in such a place I'd get Peacocks. I've read where they are REALLY loud and are likely to sound off at anytime, day or night. There are a few places that have an ordinance about peafowl, but not many.
I guess I shouldn't generalize old people on my post as I'm climbing near there my self...and I know it won't be long I'll be the crusty old chicken lady.

But we have some persnickety neighbors who are nice to our faces but I know when they've had problems they've looked to us for their answers shall we say...LOL. Missing mailbox or plowing the snow out of the road incorrectly even.
Of course we've perceived their inquisitions as, you probably know why because you most likely are guilty. We've mainly just smiled and ignored them, but the old guy did say much to my relief. "I LIKE waking up to a Rooster in the morning. I don't mind them." with a genuine smile. Well I think it was genuine...LOL. His grandson, when he comes up from the big city loves coming over to play with the chickens with my kids...so I'm sure he hears the good stories and sees smiles too.

I just wanted to follow that up about "old" any how. Make sure I'm not stereo-typing too harshly. LOL.
Wait a minute! Is the jerk neighbors kid driving the truck behind your house and is the guy growing pot in his barn! If that is the case I would throw out there that you my just have to call and complain about that if he intends to turn u in for noise. Being charged with Trespassing and growing illegal drugs may be be a bit more than he bargained for. I may have mis- read that however.
Wait a minute! Is the jerk neighbors kid driving the truck behind your house and is the guy growing pot in his barn! If that is the case I would throw out there that you my just have to call and complain about that if he intends to turn u in for noise. Being charged with Trespassing and growing illegal drugs may be be a bit more than he bargained for. I may have mis- read that however.

No. The complainer is to my north. The pot-growing juvenile delinquent maker lives behind me (east) on the non-urban growth boundary (still country). The wiener dog owner lives to my west, and the big barking dog is north west. I sit smack in the middle of all of this and get complaints for my two singing poultry.

I've always liked the sound of a rooster crowing in the morning.

I've always thought that if I lived in such a place I'd get Peacocks. I've read where they are REALLY loud and are likely to sound off at anytime, day or night. There are a few places that have an ordinance about peafowl, but not many.

You have inspired me! Maybe I will get guineas!
ANGRY. The neighbor is going to 'let the police deal with it' even after he figured out he was wrong about the rooster issue. He can complain about the noise, but I TOLD him I would adjust the light, but that he would have to wait until the roosters figured it out (someone/thing moved the light timer to come on at 2am, and I don't see it, so I didn't know). If he would have told me sooner, instead of polling the neighbors and stirring things up, I could have fixed it right away and it wouldn't take so long to remedy. I am trying to find a home for one, just in case the competition factor changes the amount of crowing. ARGH. He is such a jerk and his UGLY expensive security door just tells me he is a coward. I hope he NEVER needs my help for anything, because the only help he will ever get, is a rotten egg.

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