Old Busy Body needed something to complain about, and my roosters are it.

Oh this is too bad. I don't envy your situation one bit. The thing of it is, I would tell the police if/when they show up that you offered solutions after they were called and weren't given a chance to work it out. Just so you know I think most policemen find these calls shall we say "boring" and "petty" and almost prefer it if neighbors can work it out between them. I'm sure they've got this old codger figured out too. Just take the high road with the police if you can and smile...it seems sometimes you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

This would open another can of worms, I'm sure with other neighbors, but telling about the other obvious noises in the neighborhood to the police may help your case in letting them know that you are not the only one with noises coming out of your back yard. You know? And if the rooster can legally be there maybe they'll just chalk it up to you being singled out out of all of the noise makers in the neighborhood. I'm not sure you should COMPLAIN about all the dogs barking to save your relations with the others, but just telling them you are not the only one.

That's just how I would approach the situation. What a pain in the a** this guy is.

I have had a situation with a neighbor as well. I live in the city limits in a neighborhood, but without any restrictions. I have four hens now, but had three at the time my neighbor from 3 houses down called the cops on me! I found this out from my neighbor that is behind us. Her house is actually closer to my coop that my house is. She heard from some other neighborhood gals that were at this bitties home for a wine and girls night and she said this woman was complaining about the smell??? Let me remaind you she is 3 houses down and across the st. (she can however see whats going on in the back yard. I have a corner lot w/o a privacy fence) So apparently she has been bi**ching to my other neighbors hope to get a few neighbors to complain too. But they are not bothered by them. My neighbor has NEVER smelled anything. She should know she is closest to the coop. (that gets cleaned every AM I might add)
 She could not get other neighbors to complain to me about my 3 hens, so she decided to call the cops. Who quickly let her know that I was not breaking any laws. I checked the laws even before I moved into this house. I can have up to 15 hens if I had the room. This old lady just feels that chickens should not be in a neighbordood setting. Even if there are no laws agaist this growing hobby. Some folks are just never happy. Well no eggs for her! Enjoy your birds!
WOW I can't believe that! Can you legally have roosters and chickens? If so I would ask them how you can be sited for a noise ordiance when roosters and chickens are allowed. I am not saying fight it...might be a losing battle. May need to dispatch the roo you have decided to let go, in hopes they wont crow as much. My huge concern is after you dispatch the roo...it will then be the other roo and you will get sited, then the hens are singing egg songs and you will get sited for that. I am concerned this jerk wont stop until the chickens are gone. Might have to do some soul searching and decide how far you think he may go and how far you are willing to go.
Just left a noise violation in your door... On the words of one old man's complaint without any investigation it almost seems. I think perhaps you might take piece of paper down to city hall and ask them about it and your allowance of having a rooster and what exactly they are looking for. I'm assuming there are some nitty gritties on decibel levels written adn maybe you can see if your Marans is under that level. IDK...just shooting out ideas and not sure how far you want to pursue this.

This of course is the petty side of me but I'd likely take a paperbag full of Marans poo before you get rid of him and poo-bomb that ugly security door....LOL.
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I agree. We need a flaming poo bag smiley!


My phone has a pile of poop emoticon. It's from emoji. Too bad it won't work here. He's getting hens (from a HATCHERY no less, and I was going to give him chicks. Ptoey [spit]). Maybe he will have a surprise roo in his flock. Or maybe his hens will be too loud. I do think there are other roosters around. We also hear the train at 10, 2, and 4. What about the coyotes? The foxes? Will those wake him too? The owl is pretty loud. I hope in July, they wake up and hear all the animals, and realize what they did. I hope they move. They gave my youngest a bunch of 'creationist' trading cards that said God killed the dinosaurs because they were sinful. Huh? Can't wait. If we are reborn as anything, he will be reborn as a culled rooster!
What?! He's getting chickens?!

Surely, as there are stars in the heaven, if he gets chicks there's going to be a roo in there more times than not and he's basically just "crapped" in his own bed. What an idiot. I know of one neighbor that's probably going to make his life miserable. What goes around comes around. Isn't that the saying?

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