Old Busy Body needed something to complain about, and my roosters are it.

It is almost so insane I cant even believe it! WHAT and IDIOT! I dont know if I have ever heard of such a person! I am sure God will bless him with more than one roo! I will have to add that on my prayer list!
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I'm just going to make sure every little noise violation from his plot is reported. In the meantime, Abe now lives with a sweet granny person with 21 of his own hens, and Rudy is going to a 4-H house and they are going to take one of my hens from chicken scratch and let me have eggs now and then. All is well, except I just noticed my old BCM hen is cuddling up to him. :( she will miss him!
Im so sorry! It sounds like they will have great homes though and will be very happy, at least you didnt have to cull them. I would definetly report his rooster/s! You know the odds of him getting one is great and odds of getting more than one is good...so it will be his turn next! Even with getting sexed pullets, people are saying this year they got several roosters in their pullet order or Tractor Supply bin. People are speculating that the economy being so bad they need to sell more chicks and produce less so they are sticking roosters into the box to fill the orders. What a JERK, I hope he gets 3 or 4 roosters and cant rehome them! Watch he will come ask you if you want them or ask you to cull them for him!
Sorry about you having to give up your chooks Mini.


For you and your BCM hen.

As you say two can play that game. But Gosh I'm sure you hate to go to that level. You sound like a nice neighbor. But I wouldn't blame you one bit for giving him a taste of his own medicine.
I have had chickens in the past - sometimes with no near neighbors so that the number of roosters was only limited by my ability to feed them and handle the early morning racket. When I had neighbors near enough to possibly be bothered by them, I kept only one rooster and no one complained. Having lived in a neighborhood where a family raised fighting cocks I am very aware of how loud and annoying they can be - especially if a person is not feeling well and is trying to get some sleep. We really should try to be understanding and let our neighbors have some peace. Life is too short. Enjoy your neighbors as friends instead of dreading them as enemies.
I have had chickens in the past - sometimes with no near neighbors so that the number of roosters was only limited by my ability to feed them and handle the early morning racket. When I had neighbors near enough to possibly be bothered by them, I kept only one rooster and no one complained. Having lived in a neighborhood where a family raised fighting cocks I am very aware of how loud and annoying they can be - especially if a person is not feeling well and is trying to get some sleep. We really should try to be understanding and let our neighbors have some peace. Life is too short. Enjoy your neighbors as friends instead of dreading them as enemies.

Nope. Not going to happen. Especially since I offered to change my coop, move stuff, try to soundproof, even put the roos in the garage. He waited TWO DAYS and then came over when I wasn't home and told my husband no. COWARD. He knows they are MY chickens. He wouldn't even make eye contact with my husband. He can suck a rotten egg if he thinks I'm his friend.
I agree! I do think there is a point when you can understand a neighbors frustration with noise. I have hit that point a couple of times with my neighbors barking dogs. But it was not a bark here or a bak there it was constantly all day long...I had enough. But a couple of roosters crowing here and there is not the same. She even offered to rehome and keep the other one so she would only have 1 rooster he would not agree to that. The neighbor is not tolerant of anything that is not his idea it sounds like to me....that does not sound like any kind of friend I would want in my life.
This is so sad. Some people just have to cause problems. Just goes to show how miserable they are. Good luck getting this straightened out!

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