old english roo behavior?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 31, 2011
We have 2 old english bantam boys who are 10 weeks old. They are the friendliest ones to our children. The others don't come around them as often. The 2 old english boys are very gentle with them and us. It's so sweet. However, I have recently read where this breed will become aggressive with other roos. Do you think they will turn on my childen some day and attack them? Or will they stay sweet with people and just want to fight other roos? Do you think these 2 cocks will need to be separated or stay together okay since they've been raised together?
Gamefowl should be calm and gentle towards people, if they're not then eat 'em. But, gamefowl roosters will kill each other past a certain age which varies by breed, line, and situation.

With Old English bantam's, they have the name "game" attached to them because of their ancestry from the Old English Gamefowl in England, but they're nothing to worry about. OEGB do OK if raised together and even if they aren't raised together after a little squabble they will most likely exist peacefully again.

Thanks, Daniel. So chances are they'll be fine together. They are also growing up with another boy, a cochin bantam. Do you suppose they will be okay together as well?
I had one that my daughters loved until he went all agro. I had to get rid of him.
How old was he when he started to become aggressive? My daughter is pretty attached to these 2 we have. Yours is so pretty.

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