Old Enough to go outside?


Jun 28, 2020
Hence the Title: Are they old enough to be outside full time?
Lows are 40’s highs are 70’s.


Here is the coop:
I’m in the process of cleaning it right now though.
Anyone? I’m not trying to be a bother… but I’m trying to clean out everything, and I need to know pretty soon so I can move things around.
10 weeks roughly

That's more than old enough. I'm taking my just-turned-4-week-olds off heat tomorrow because they're fully feathered.

But you need to cover that chicken wire with hardware cloth unless your coop is inside another predator-proof enclosure (such as electric netting), because dogs and raccoons can tear right through chicken wire and small predators/vermin like weasels, rats, and snakes can go through the openings. :)
That's more than old enough. I'm taking my just-turned-4-week-olds off heat tomorrow because they're fully feathered.

But you need to cover that chicken wire with hardware cloth unless your coop is inside another predator-proof enclosure (such as electric netting), because dogs and raccoons can tear right through chicken wire and small predators/vermin like weasels, rats, and snakes can go through the openings. :)
Yes, that is my next project! 😄

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