Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I agree Stony OTHER people mess with their chicks way too much. Not me though I just like to dress mine in adorable outfits and have them over for tea parties.
2 questions:

1. I placed eggs under my broody on Thu. the 12th of July in the afternoon. Most people seem to say broody chickie eggs hatch sooner, so does that mean probably they will be hatching on Wed. afternoon? (20 days later)
2. My broody is in a mobile next box, and she is still in the main coop. I want to take her out because I let all of my other chickens free range (just leave the coop door open all day) and I have cats that will eat babies. Is it safe too move her or will she be upset? I know she is probably on "lock-down" now. I could also move when the babies start to hatch, but I'd like to move her tomorrow.

I started with 9 eggs under her and she now has 6. Fingers crossed all six hatch and the three she ate were the duds that wouldn't have hatched.
I find broody chicks hatch like incubated chicks. Most between day 19 and day 21. Some late ones as well.

I like to wait to move after the babies hatch. Her mind is occupied on the lil ones then, not sitting on eggs. It helps.
Hummm... It's been in the mid 90s to high 80s on average but humidity is low; like 13%. Do you think they will be early?
eggs hatch early if they are going to hatch early. Late if they are going to hatch late. 21 days is an average. Think of it like a human. Some babies are born early, some ontime, some late. Inlife there aren't timers on being born. It happens when it happens.

I too have read that bantam eggs hatch early. Yet on day 19 or 20 I tend to get at least one Sumatra egg that hatches and one RIR on the same day, 19 or 20. So it depends on when the chick is ready.
I have eggs due to Hsy h on Thursday my first Brodie but tonight I went out to do chores and she kicked a dead chick out from under her it looked like it tryed to hatch but did not happen. I set 7 eggs under her and I only have 4 left
So I kept the chick with the hurt foot away from mama hen today. I was worried it'd be way to rough in there. When I went to put the baby back tonight everything was fine. Mama hen Caesar took the babies to bed and of course bullied the broody off her nest. Poor little popcorn ran out and tried everything to get back to her nest, but Caesar was having none of it! So I gave her 2 new eggs in another box for the night. She put them under her and settled in. Well I went back later and Popcorn wasn't on the nest. I looked on the roost and nothing. Then I noticed her fluffy butt sticking out next to Caesar. She must have dive bombed her nest and wiggled her way right in when Caesar wasn't looking. Hilarious!!!!
I quoted chicklady with that response. She said she takes the babies. I was wondering why/

Chickens can't tell time and can't read calenders. They go by instinct. In the summer at 3.5 weeks old they do not need mama's warmth. Chicks don't need nearly the warmth people think they need. I have mama's bring day old chicks out in the snow when it is in the lower 30's farenheit. The chicks are fine at a day old as long as mama warms them once in a while. As humans we need to learn to let the chickens live their chicken lives and observe and ONLY interfere when ABSOLUTELY needed. Chickens know how to be chickens better than we meer mortal humans do. As people we have made chickens and all livestock weaker.
I only interfere with myne when they are in danger, like yesterday the orpington was getting ready to take them over a really long deep stream i don't see what her plans were to get the chicks over!

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