Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Our designated broody has finally decided to hatch some more eggs now that the worst of winter is over...I think I've overloaded her with eggs though! Two were peeking out from under a wing when I checked this morning xD They still felt perfectly warm, I suppose I'll just have to keep an eye on her and make sure all the eggs stay snug.
These should all be crossed with our new light sussex roo, so hopefully there should be some big babies in our future!
Cute! How many eggs does she have?
I just set eggs under my two broodies! But I'm trying not to jinx anything because they are first time mom's and I had to switch where they're sitting. Hopefully they'll set! One's a jersey giant with 15 eggs and the other is a cochin with 9 but I'm planning on maybe dividing them up and adding more... so stressful!
The jersey giant has been broody a loooooong time so I hope she'll keep going then for the rest of these three weeks. Otherwise I'll give her eggs to the cochin

How many eggs can a full sized cochin have, do you think?
So, today is day 21 for my broody's eggs. Well, on day 19 my wonderful daughter and my adorable neighbor girl decided to go gather the eggs today. They let out my chickens (while the dogs were out) and gathered up my broody's eggs. Not sure how long they were carrying them around or how bumpy of a ride they had. I'm hoping I'll have a survivor or two. What do you think? How long should I wait before giving up? No noted cheeps coming from under her.
So, today is day 21 for my broody's eggs. Well, on day 19 my wonderful daughter and my adorable neighbor girl decided to go gather the eggs today. They let out my chickens (while the dogs were out) and gathered up my broody's eggs. Not sure how long they were carrying them around or how bumpy of a ride they had. I'm hoping I'll have a survivor or two. What do you think? How long should I wait before giving up? No noted cheeps coming from under her.

I've read not to totally give up hope until day 25.

Good Luck,
I have a YOUNG buff orpington that mothers my bantams...young as in less than 8 weeks for sure..I thought I had a bantam chick on the loose the other day while trying to get the younger ones in the house. I moved all into a basket and looked EVERYWHERE for that bantam...then noticed a few tale feathers sticking out of Cheesecakes wing..THEN CC pecked the bejeezus out of me when I took bantam girl out from underneath..
I've only been at this since March and haven't had a broody yet since the oldest are around 15 weeks...is this normal?!?!?!
I have a YOUNG buff orpington that mothers my bantams...young as in less than 8 weeks for sure..I thought I had a bantam chick on the loose the other day while trying to get the younger ones in the house. I moved all into a basket and looked EVERYWHERE for that bantam...then noticed a few tale feathers sticking out of Cheesecakes wing..THEN CC pecked the bejeezus out of me when I took bantam girl out from underneath..
I've only been at this since March and haven't had a broody yet since the oldest are around 15 weeks...is this normal?!?!?!

Sometimes the younger ones will try to mother the babies - my Vanilla Ice was just 11 weeks old when she helped Topsy brood and hatch her 4 eggs. Then she stuck with them after Topsy gave up. All before Vanilla ever laid her first egg. She didn't lay her 1st egg until she was 27 weeks old and that was when the babies she helped hatch were 14 weeks old.

I would not try to remove the babies - just let her mother them for a time. It's instinctual and I've noticed it made Vanilla Ice a more confident broody the second time with her own set of eggs. The LF girls sometimes think the bantams are still chicks even when they are older - so if the bantam feels protected and the LF girl feels like she's doing a good job - I say let them have at it.
So, today is day 21 for my broody's eggs. Well, on day 19 my wonderful daughter and my adorable neighbor girl decided to go gather the eggs today. They let out my chickens (while the dogs were out) and gathered up my broody's eggs. Not sure how long they were carrying them around or how bumpy of a ride they had. I'm hoping I'll have a survivor or two. What do you think? How long should I wait before giving up? No noted cheeps coming from under her.

Oh - live and learn right. I'd not give up until Day 25 and you can also candle them to see if they are okay. They get moved around quite a bit in the nest - so movement wouldn't be it. But the lack of humidity and heat might cause a delay in hatching.

Hope it goes well for you.
I think she has about seven eggs under her? She's a tiny thing though so she usually only has 4 or 5 eggs under her.
And I hope all your hens settle down! They can be such a hassle when they keep trying to make a nest where you don't want them too
Aw cute! You'll have to update with how the hatch goes!
Thanks! One did and the other is done being broody already! So i'll just give the eggs to the other girl and hope for another broody.

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