Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

So, today is day 21 for my broody's eggs. Well, on day 19 my wonderful daughter and my adorable neighbor girl decided to go gather the eggs today. They let out my chickens (while the dogs were out) and gathered up my broody's eggs. Not sure how long they were carrying them around or how bumpy of a ride they had. I'm hoping I'll have a survivor or two. What do you think? How long should I wait before giving up? No noted cheeps coming from under her.
Mine hatched six days late! It was very stressful but all who hatched lived!
Sometimes the younger ones will try to mother the babies - my Vanilla Ice was just 11 weeks old when she helped Topsy brood and hatch her 4 eggs.  Then she stuck with them after Topsy gave up.  All before Vanilla ever laid her first egg.  She didn't lay her 1st egg until she was 27 weeks old and that was when the babies she helped hatch were 14 weeks old. 

I would not try to remove the babies - just let her mother them for a time.  It's instinctual and I've noticed it made Vanilla Ice a more confident broody the second time with her own set of eggs.  The LF girls sometimes think the bantams are still chicks even when they are older - so if the bantam feels protected and the LF girl feels like she's doing a good job - I say let them have at it. 

My Buff and 3bantams are all under 8 weeks. I think that's why I was so surprised about it!! It's so funny to watch!
My Buff and 3bantams are all under 8 weeks. I think that's why I was so surprised about it!! It's so funny to watch!

I'd be willing to bet she will be your professional broody. I've had some who were broody helpers and some who went broody very soon after starting to lay. Then they'd raise the chicks awhile, start to lay, and go right back to broody. Lol. Professional broodies.
My hen started being broody on June 20 and I kept putting eggs under her until the 22nd. Today I just checked and one has already hatched! But some of the eggs wont hatch until at least Thursday if not Friday or Saturday, I really hope she doesn't abandon them! I am really nervous... Do you think she will stay on the nest for another five days??
My hen started being broody on June 20 and I kept putting eggs under her until the 22nd. Today I just checked and one has already hatched! But some of the eggs wont hatch until at least Thursday if not Friday or Saturday, I really hope she doesn't abandon them! I am really nervous... Do you think she will stay on the nest for another five days??
As we know, these hens make their own decisions

...............minds of their own...........but I think she will.....
My last broody hatched 10 then continued to set three more eggs for several days until I took them from her.
Needless to say she was up with the others but went back to the eggs.
Also, she probably won't have the new ones out much for a few days.
The chicks do not need to eat for two or three days.
Good luck, I think you will get at least a few more.
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A final point about which there is often confusion: Add the eggs to be hatched all in one clutch. Do not add eggs from day to day as you collect them, and do not add any more after you set the hen. The germ cell of a fertile egg is ready to develop into a chick, but it does not begin to do so until the hen sits on it—that is, maintains constant temperature and humidity at a level sufficient to trigger growth of the embryo. Thus it doesn’t matter if the eggs you set were collected on different days: All the embryos begin to grow at the same time, and they will all hatch on the same day. If you add more eggs after the hen starts incubating the clutch, however, the development of embryos in the new eggs lags behind that of the first eggs, and hatching cannot occur all on the same day—a disaster.

Taken from:
Working with Broody Hens:
Let Mama Do It

A final point about which there is often confusion: Add the eggs to be hatched all in one clutch. Do not add eggs from day to day as you collect them, and do not add any more after you set the hen. The germ cell of a fertile egg is ready to develop into a chick, but it does not begin to do so until the hen sits on it—that is, maintains constant temperature and humidity at a level sufficient to trigger growth of the embryo. Thus it doesn’t matter if the eggs you set were collected on different days: All the embryos begin to grow at the same time, and they will all hatch on the same day. If you add more eggs after the hen starts incubating the clutch, however, the development of embryos in the new eggs lags behind that of the first eggs, and hatching cannot occur all on the same day—a disaster.

Taken from:
Working with Broody Hens:
Let Mama Do It


I know this, but a few extra got added and I dont have the heart to throw them out-- what I was thinking was to give them the 3 extra days my Broody sits post hatch, then throw out the unhatched ones.... I might get a couple extra chicks that way?....
I know this, but a few extra got added and I dont have the heart to throw them out-- what I was thinking was to give them the 3 extra days my Broody sits post hatch, then throw out the unhatched ones.... I might get a couple extra chicks that way?....
Go for it.........................my experience is that you may be right and nothing bad will happen

The one thing I have learned for sure..........is that there are no absolutes with chickens..........They did not read the books..........
It's probably just as well that they can't read the books. I certainly did a better job of parenting when I didn't read the books written by men who never were mothers.

*** snip***
The one thing I have learned for sure..........is that there are no absolutes with chickens..........They did not read the books..........

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